Suicide is the only way out
if you care about specs it is a good phone if you care about privacy and security it is not
Void isn’t DIY distro, it only doesn’t have a GUI installator
In my case my body is in the same situation of the soul
As long as it works, I don’t see a problem not receiving updates so often
Eternity is the best
why gentoo and void together?
OpenStreet maps 😎
GrapheneOS is not a custom ROM and I bought my phone second-hand, so I didn’t give my money directly to Google
Degoogled since 2018
hardcore mode, google domains blocked by DNS
YouTube scrap data
TIL that Ring has a social media platform where neighbors can communicate and share with each other videos/photos that Ring systems collect just like a civilian surveillance dystopia.
AI down your throats, don’t complain peasants!
Have you ever knelt before your techno-oligarch today?
Don’t forget to donate
Several companies are implementing facial recognition because they can sell the hash of your face to specialized companies. More profit in addition to helping to create a perpetual surveillance state
Closing any deal with the US at this level is worse than selling your soul to the devil