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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: April 24th, 2024


  • Its only been getting worse as this post conference pressser has gone on.

    He has forgotten entirely to respond to parts of a multipart question, meandered into basically ‘I sat down with Golda Meir and Yitsak Rabin and we accomplished peace!’, just keeps repeating things he did (some of which are legitimate accomplishments) that have little to do with the questions asked…

    … “You said your presidency would be a bridge to younger candidates, what happened to that?”

    Rambles about being in the Senate a really long time

    … at one point he actually said, outloud, ‘How do I not make this seem self centered?’ before answering a ‘Considering the stakes, do you really think you should run?’ type of question.

    In the time I have been typing this he has basically barked in anger after a short response to a question that was followed by the reporter asking ‘thats all?’.

    He also keeps doing the sort of asshole loud whisper sarcasm voice.

    He is coming off as a sundowning angry old man who doesn’t want his car keys taken away.

  • Well, the final straw was when a number of them made me homeless, and the rest were either too busy or too emotionally burdened to help right now.

    So after losing all my possessions, losing my job, being homeless for nearly a year, getting the shit kicked out of me regularly by fentanyl addicts uh… well, I should not have survived.

    But despite nearly being killed more times than I can count, being held hostage by madman (who the police held for 30 days and then let loose), and witnessing a number of people I’d met along the way die…

    It was not exactly easy.

    But, by basically dumb luck, I survived.

    And, being alive, having not only hit rock bottom, but having been dragged and kicked along its jagged ground… well, now I am free.

    It is only after you lose everything, that you are free to do anything.

    And for me, that means not having to deal with anyone while I do a whole lot of PT on disability.

    Also, I now have a great deal of self confidence, as I am 100% certain any of those dumbfucks would have died going through a tenth of what I went through, yet I persist.

  • Solitude.

    I appear to have had extraordinarily bad luck in my life, as nearly every significant friend or lover or family I’ve ever had is consistently some.combination of abusive, exploitative, duplicitous, violent, criminal, hypocrite, never willing to hear my side of any story.

    Been by myself with a new phone number in a new state for some months now and I’ve never been less stressed out, never felt less burdened, never felt more free.

    Took me 35 years to figure out… wait, what if I did what I wanted to do, enjoyed things because I enjoyed them instead of pretending to like some other thing because someone else does, what if I stopped bending over backwards to solve everyone else’s problems when they usually just go out of their way to cause more problems for me, and never give anything meaningful back, and in fact usually blame me for things I have no control over, and then spread unfounded rumors about me due to their own massive neuroticism and guilt complexes?

    I am quite happy now. I’ve never needed much to be happy, and nearly no one who has ever claimed to care about me has ever once been able to handle my honest opinions about what they have put me through.

    Its been astounding to realize that actually, I make friends quite easily and get along with most people I meet great, whilst everyone I used to know has spent decades convincing me I am an unlikeable asshole who is merely to be tolerated.

  • While one part of me fucking absolutely hates the Mac Goggles for many reasons…

    …the other part of me kinda really wants them to become normalized precisely so that Ghost in the Shell offensive hacking type bullshit can just ruin the lives of anyone who regularly uses one.

    It doesn’t have to be as immediately malicious as cutting the feed while driving…

    …You could do that watermelon green text from 4chan. Just have a watermelon, every day, thats always… not quite in the same position, but always there.