my calculus teacher did little senior year jokey biographies of people as a big powerpoint on the last day. he was well loved, venerable, yet also slightly … odd. sharp, but vaguely weird. he separated people into basically informal friend groups [with multiple people on the same slide] and people who were the sort of weird alone people. i was one of the alone people. and he said i slept all the time for some reason, i was very sleep deprived but very anxious.

i was sleep deprived all of school really, it started so fucking early, terribly unfair to anybody’s sleep schedule

upon typing this I suppose it isn’t the Worst but it’s still not a fun way to end

    1 year ago

    When I was in middle school I began to have terrible GERD related symptoms and none of the doctors I saw back then ever gave me medicine to deal with it or the anxiety I was getting from it.

    It was so bad that even raising my heart rate would sometimes cause my stomach to pulsate in pain. My anxiety made it worse and I would sometimes get excused from gym class because I didn’t want to spend the rest of the day in agony.

    My gym teacher took this personally and gave me shit the whole time. He wouldn’t lose a chance to get back at me the whole year. Once I came into gym class with him yelling at me in front of the whole class for putting my clothing in the wrong locker & then getting pissed since he had to break my lock to get my stuff out of there. I knew for a fact it was my locker as he was the one who showed me it at the beginning of the year.

    I once had to miss school because I was at the doctor’s getting what I think was an X ray scan of my stomach. My gym coach was so pissed I wasn’t there that he started giving a whole speech to our class about “What the measures of a good man are” and kept giving me as context to them as what wasn’t a good man.

    Then there was when I had to quickly leave his class one day because I had to go to the bathroom from GERD related shit again. This got him so mad that he forced me to stay after class so that I had to run a mile by myself as he yelled at how bad I was doing when I started throwing up.

    I fucking hated that guy. I was dealing with so much misery by just trying to get through the days back then and had to deal with that antagonist prick who hated me when I was 12.