• TheGrandNagus@lemmy.world
      9 months ago

      Bold text.

      No shit. Everybody knows why Google funds Mozilla. This isn’t some revelation. It’s not relevant to the discussion of whether Mozilla should diversify or not.

      Mozilla is dying. I’m not saying it for no reason. Their market share is generally stated to be between 1.5 and 2.5%, and more and more websites are breaking for them because they don’t follow web standards.

      What Mozilla is doing now isn’t working. They need ways to generate income.

      Your “just don’t take money from Google and don’t diversify” suggestion isn’t a good one. They would collapse almost immediately if they followed that advice.

      Seriously, I don’t get how “just continue with just the browser but don’t take any money from others lol. I’m sure everyone will work on Firefox for free” is a valid stance. Web engines are too complex for small community development.