Amazon has been listing products with the title, ‘I’m sorry, I cannot fulfil this request as it goes against OpenAI use policy’::Products have appeared on the platform with odd titles that are seemingly related to OpenAI’s usage policy.

    8 months ago

    I’ll bite. I disagree with this.

    I buy things, I get them in a reasonable time at a reasonable price. If something is wrong, I can return. Their customer service is one of the best. I feel more comfortable buying things there with Prime since I know they’ll take care of me.

    I wish Prime was cheaper … I wish everything was. Every company jacks up prices.

    It’s not even close to AliExpress. The quality of Amazon is far superior. I buy stuff from AliExpress and I have to wait 2 weeks, have worse customer support, etc. I bought something once and didn’t get any info until it arrived at my door 4 weeks later. I asked what’s up at week 3 and was told to wait till 4 before they can look into it.

    Amazon is a marketplace, anyone can create a store and put up items. It’s not really Amazon’s fault that people have BS listings. It’s not reasonable to human-vet every listing. Maybe they could have a better reporting system; idk.

    Could they do better on ratings and other things? Sure. Heck they added the ai summary for reviews. I like that. Are they still the best general marketplace for consumers: in my opinion: yes.

    I ordered a random endoscopic camera for a car issue. Less than 20 bucks. It’ll be here in a couple days. It’s from a random brand. If it works: great. If not: money back. I like the choice of random brands and maybe some I’ve heard of. Choice is good.