• Buelldozer@lemmy.today
    7 months ago

    How are these events related?

    Because there’s some kind of Internet law that all discussions must be about the United States. This law also has addendums requiring discussion of why / how the United States sucks, why / how Republicans suck, and why / how every problem in the world is a combination of those two things.

    Speaking as an American the MAGA-publicans DO suck and the situation they’ve created in Ukraine is fucking infuriating but every God Damned President of the United States has been warning the EU members nations for thirty fucking years that they were under-spending and under-prepared for this eventuality. Even Russia swiping Crimea in 2014 only produced a chorus of yawns from every EU nation aside from the U.K.

    So now the EU member nations simply don’t have the fucking equipment, or the MIC to build more, to send to Ukraine without shorting their own pitiably thin national stockpiles. This is why none of them want to send more Patriot batteries or anything else of consequence.

    Since they don’t have it, because they didn’t want to spend money on it, they want the US to do it. Which we should but not because the EU is asking but because Ukraine deserves our help in this fight.

    The United States looked away for just four god damned years during the Trump Administration (fuck that guy) and the Euros suddenly need Uncle Sam to fix a mess for them. JFC I can’t decide whose so called leadership I despise more, ours or theirs.