• Jarix@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I dont feel bad for Anthony Arbaugh. At all.

    Literally everything ive seen from him say about what he has experienced so far has been incredibly positive.

    We can all call out elon for the shitbag he is, but until this guy who volunteered for this mad science experiment starts singing a different tune, im celebrating the hope for the future that might happen in our lifetimes.

    I just buried my grandmother after living with her as one of 2 people to care for her as we sat for 10 years, front row, to her descent into madness and insanity of alzheimers and dementia.

    If this tech can be used to fight that monster its worth the risk as it stands at this moment. And i am aware this is some tenuous extreme “success” at the moment im not kidding or deluding myself, but after finding that most of the research on alzehiemers from the last many decades is now known to be junk science based on false claims and they pretty much have to start most of it all over again, this is hopeful.

    Helping those who have been handed the worst lot in life gain access to some parts of the human experience they are denied is has come close to make this bearded middle-aged loser cry tears of joy for the first time in a long bloody time

    Dont change your opinion of Elon because of this. Compartmentalize it and focus on the good. And fucking demand that Anthony Arbaugh and everyone else that is ever involved in trials is NEVER abandoned. Neuralink needs to be made responsible for maintaining the health of the patient and covering any and all costs to maintain this project for them even post bankruptcy. Complete care and support for the risk they are taking(even if its only anthony atm)

    Ill shut up now but Ill leave you with this quote

    I’m beating my friends in games that as a quadriplegic I should not be beating them in.

    Anthony Arbaugh