Is it possible to blog in the AI era?

I write short stories every now and then and I throw them online. I also have a tech blog, where I moan about the decisions software I use make and with my “infinite wisdom”, I tell them what they should be doing instead.

I used to host both on Medium, but Medium got greedy. Then it was WordPress, but now even they’re trying to be greedy bastards and use my shit for training AI.

Some would argue that WordPress paid hosting will exempt me from the AI training, but for less than 100 visitors a year, it’s not really worth the expense.

So what is the solution? I ask the greater minds of this community for suggestions.

    5 months ago

    i dont think there is a good soulution for you.
    if its out there, somebody will find it.

    you could host your own wordpress instance independent of

    and you could add a robots.txt to tell google to not scan your content, or even completly block the user agents of known search engines.

    but blocking search engines is rather counterproductive if you want readers to find your blog.

    and even then more nefarious crawlers might ignore the robots.txt and spoof their user agent to find you.