Does anyone have strong opinions on open source hardware? I’m finally at a point where I need to upgrade my laptop.
The Framework 16 pre-order is tempting. It’s a fascinating project. Even if it comes at premium due to the small scale of their operation, I’m happy to support the cause.
Alternatively, Sytem76/Clevo hardware has interested me for a long time (coreboot ftw). Based on the documentation current gens are super easy to repair.
Any thoughts are appreciated!
How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go?
RISC-V is open specification for processor design, and some Cpus, like T-Head’s C910 are published designs. The Roma laptop uses a SoC based on that, though I don’t suppose it’s readily available. There’s also an SBC - the Lichee Pi 4A, and a tablet from Sipeed… But all these devices are cutting edge, and probably not for the general consumer quite yet.
I’d love for someone like system 76 or framework to make a RISC V laptop
Tbh, I think that’s the real next step. Some of these smaller user-oriented brands like S76, Star Labs, Framework, etc. will hopefully coordinate and start pushing ARM laptops a lot further. The power consumption benefits alone should be an excellent selling point.
Pine64 has a RISC V tablet
Wait really!? I need it
Just don’t expect a smooth user experience yet, its’ software is still very much WIP. Google hasn’t even finished RISC-V support in Android yet.
That doesn’t surprise me. Google probably won’t get that done until 2034
I just got my Starfive Visionfive2 this week, and yeah… not as easy to use a Raspberry Pi just yet.