Thanks to the awesome Admins for providing the service and for keeping us up to date! That said, oh shit do I have a problem. I was refreshing the site way too often for it to be comfortable. Go give your thanks to the Admins at Quartks!

I have a problem now. Oh god. That being said it did lead me to make a Mastodon account, so things aren’t too bad! Follow me over there if you want to random lukewarm takes, no consistent amount of posting, and a bunch of nonsensical crap.

Also, this is the first meme that i’ve posted that I’ve also made. Now you see why I don’t make the other memes posted lol

    1 year ago

    Theirs is the evil universe to most others.

    How many timelines has the Federation ended through timeline meddling? And how many races were doomed when the federation forced species 8472 into stalemate in the war against the Borg? The Federation even used bio weapons to destroy the shape shifters in the dominion which would inevitably create a violent power vacuum in the delta quadrant.

    The other universe wants nothing to do with the trek one.