From the thumbnail I’m not sure if the guy is RedHat enthusiast or recruiting for ISIS
Bearded guy here; we never tire of that kind of comment. Please, keep it coming.
So, do you happen to recruit for ISIS?
Fresh out of pamphlets, sorry.
It’s ok, I’m just gonna wait for my beard to grow back and then I’m gonna recruit myself.
That’s the go-getter attitude any paramilitary organisation appreciates!
Making any moonshine up in the Appalachians there, Grandpa?
You from the guv’mint, kid? You has to tell me if you is.
It’s not just the beard, but also an index finger pointed at the sky
Mashallah, brother
Ri-i-ight. Now tell us about the significance of his knit sweater.
That’s a Tom Bombadil beard, almost.
Legend has it, his beard length is proportional to his patience levels waiting for his Gentoo updates to compile.
If they want people to actually watch their videos, maybe they shouldn’t block embeds.
I’m not sure if this is instance dependent or Peertube causing the issue.
Seems instance-specific. Videos on other PT instances embed fine, but neither of the ones posted from this one work unless you go directly to the video page.
I was wanting to get Path of Exile 2 working on my Linux computer. Are there any guides?
Should work out of the box according to ProtonDB
You can start with the ProtonDB profile
Welcome to the club. habe a complimentary penguin. 🐧
Similar to this guy I haven’t used windows to play games for around 2 years now. I have around 30-40 games and I haven’t found a game that doesn’t work, yet…
Do you use a monitor with hdr and if so have you experienced issues with that?
Ah, good point. I do have a monitor with HDR, but I never really paid attention to it in the past. AFAIK unfortunately there isn’t really any good support for HDR without a lot of messing with the window server. It seems to be in the works though by various groups.
It seems like some distros have HDR working on most things.
I’ve been wanting to move from windows to Linux for about 10 years now but there’s always been something that Linux just didn’t do that stopped me.
I look into it every few years and now it seems like the only thing missing is the last few HDR hickups.
For a long time my issue with moving was that there was nothing on Linux that could compare to madvr. It seems like mpv is getting close.
Hopefully it’ll all get done before the support for windows 10 ends.
If video/audio playback and HDR is completely fixed before then I believe a lot of people will move to Linux rather than Windows 11.
I had one game not work at launch (The Finals, which just hadn’t updated its anti-cheat) but none now I don’t think. You can check ProtonDB to see if a game will run, but I don’t even bother anymore. Everything does, unless it’s from China sometimes or has kernel-level AC, which I’m happy doesn’t work.
My main issue is that I play games that have crossplay with Xbox and my friends do not want to use Discord on Xbox, so I need a system where I can use Xbox Live even though the games themselves would run on Linux just fine…
You can use party voice chat on your phone (Xbox app) while playing the game on your Linux PC.
Most distros can even connect to your phone via Bluetooth and you can mix the audio+microphone into your PC headset.
I’ve done this before in KDE Plasma and it worked seamlessly.
That’s insane that your friends won’t switch to using a very convenient (frankly, better) system of communication that works best for you just because they don’t want to. If Discord didn’t exist on Xbox that’d be one thing, but it does and it works well.
We need a special peertube:// address