Just opening discussion, haha!
I mean if non-proton conversation isn’t allowed, I’m just comparing, haha lol!
Okay seriously though.
The three services I’m exploring are:
- Email (with email aliases)
- Cloud Storage
Just opening discussion, haha!
I mean if non-proton conversation isn’t allowed, I’m just comparing, haha lol!
Okay seriously though.
The three services I’m exploring are:
Given the, for most people, complete uselessness of VPN I think Tor is an excellent thing to highlight. But if I were to use a VPN, it would be mull.
Email: posteo is great, $1/mo, good balance of security without going crazy given that mail is insecure. Plus the people who operate it seem like good people.
Storage: agreed, I use syncthing for my critical files (encrypted of course). However not having at least a little bit of off-site backup seems insane. For me thats music, password files, and images of critical docs like passport, birth cert, SS/selective service card, etc.