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Cake day: September 28th, 2023

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    Dutch regulator rejects Apple’s objections to fines is about a decision by the Dutch Competition Authority (ACM) regarding Apple. The ACM had previously ruled that Apple violated competition laws in the Dutch dating app market and fined them 50 million euros for failing to comply with orders to open its App Store payment options. Apple objected to the fines but the ACM rejected all of Apple’s objections in a July 2023 decision. While Apple has complied with most demands, it has not met a still undisclosed third condition. Apple disagrees with the original order and says it does not support user privacy or security. The company will appeal the decision in Dutch courts. The ACM said it would disclose the undisclosed part of the proceedings if Apple loses its court appeal.

    In summary, the Dutch regulator upheld sizable fines against Apple for noncompliance related to payment options for dating apps in the Netherlands.

    Archive.today link to www.reuters.com

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    Cloudflare’s DDoS protections can be bypassed through a specific attack process uncovered by researchers. By setting up a free Cloudflare account and pointing the domain to a victim’s IP address, an attacker can disable protections and route traffic through Cloudflare’s infrastructure, bypassing the company’s security checks. This is possible due to flaws in Cloudflare’s use of a shared certificate for all customers and reliance on traffic originating from its IP ranges. A proof-of-concept demonstrated how easy it is to leverage these logic gaps. While the issues were reported to Cloudflare in March, they have not committed to fixing the problems.

    If left unaddressed, these vulnerabilities could render Cloudflare’s protections less effective at stopping attacks on its clients.

    Archive.today link to www.bleepingcomputer.com

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    Major advances in AI voice technology were announced this week, including ChatGPT gaining voice capabilities and Meta introducing AI characters with celebrity voices. This marks a shift where synthetic voices may become more common in social contexts. While companionship apps could benefit lonely users, mixing AI into social media feeds raises questions about feeling authentic versus hollow. OpenAI and Meta show interest in consumer-focused AI is growing, though challenges remain around regulating harmful uses and compensating creators. Advances in generative AI, virtual reality, and AI tools for content creators were also announced at industry events. However, executives largely avoided substantive discussions about mitigating AI risks at scale.

    Overall, the week highlighted rapid progress and interest in blending AI into media and social platforms.

    Archive.today link to www.platformer.news

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    Colorado Governor Jared Polis gave local officials a ride on an electric passenger train to generate support for a new Front Range rail line between Pueblo and Fort Collins. The officials were excited about the smooth and quiet ride showcasing the future of transportation. Federal infrastructure funds provide an opportunity to pursue the project, but support and funding from local communities will be important for grants. Polis wants to put a measure on the November 2024 ballot. Some officials remain skeptical given past problems with RTD’s unfinished rail lines. Representative Jennifer Parenti will only support a ballot measure if planners provide a solid plan showing the project is ready. Unlike RTD, the new line may partner with Amtrak, potentially avoiding issues from freight track owners. Planners envision starting with minimal service between major cities while ramping up over time.

    The electric train ride helped transform the long-discussed project into something more tangible and imminent.

    Archive.today link to www.cpr.org

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    Many small-town newspapers in Colorado are struggling to stay in business amid rising costs and declining revenues. After a major printing press closed in Pueblo, some papers had to find new options for printing. In Liberal, Kansas, one publisher took on several Colorado papers to help keep them published. However, some papers have still closed down completely. Others are experimenting with new business models like shifting to monthly magazines or improving their digital offerings. In some communities, local residents have banded together to revive defunct papers and provide news coverage again. The revived Pikes Peak Bulletin in Manitou Springs appointed its first board and is now publishing weekly issues again. Maintaining a local paper is seen as important for keeping rural towns informed and engaged.

    Publishers note that community support through subscriptions and advertising is critical to sustaining papers into the future.

    Archive.today link to coloradosun.com

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    Panasonic plans to start selling all-solid-state batteries for drones and factory robots by 2029. The new batteries will initially target industrial applications but may eventually be used in electric vehicles. Panasonic’s chief technology officer Tatsuo Ogawa revealed the plans, noting some solid-state battery technologies could apply to automotive uses. Companies like Toyota are racing to develop solid-state batteries as a safer alternative to lithium-ion batteries in EVs. Solid-state batteries allow for faster charging times, potentially charging drone batteries within minutes. Panasonic will produce the batteries at its factory in Wakayama Prefecture.

    The announcement shows progress towards next-generation batteries with improved safety and performance characteristics.

    Archive.today link to asia.nikkei.com

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    The article discusses how the rise of AI may impact computer science careers going forward. While coding jobs have long been seen as stable career paths, chatbots can now generate code in various languages. Developers are using AI tools like Copilot to accelerate routine coding tasks. Within a decade, coding bots may be able to do much more than basic tasks. However, programmers will still be needed to guide AI toward productive solutions. Teaching coding is also becoming more challenging, as students could use chatbots to cheat. Conceptual problem-solving skills will remain important for programmers to apply their expertise where AI falls short. The future may belong to those who can think entrepreneurially about how technology solves problems.

    In the end, what students study may matter less than their ability to apply knowledge to technology challenges.

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    Leaders from across the political spectrum in many Western states have asked the Supreme Court to overturn rulings that restrict clearing homeless encampments. Officials described growing problems with tent cities in places like California, Montana, and Oregon. They argue that court decisions have limited their ability to remove people from public areas without adequate housing options. While advocates agree encampments are unsafe, they argue governments should focus on housing and assistance over crackdowns. Homelessness has overwhelmed many areas, with over 170,000 homeless people in California alone. The filing stems from a case around citations in Grants Pass, Oregon. Even after billions of spending, cities struggle with lack of shelter space and people refusing help. Interestingly, both liberal and conservative jurisdictions have joined together in calling for the Supreme Court to intervene, a rarity in polarized times.

    Officials hope the Court will address what they see as a growing humanitarian crisis.

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    The DOJ has finally posted meeting notes from a Google vice president that the company tried to conceal during an antitrust trial. In the notes, Michael Roszak likened Google’s search advertising business model to illicit drug markets in its profitability. Roszak claimed the notes were exaggerated and not his true beliefs. The document suggests Google was able to ignore consumer demand due to its search monopoly. This concerned the DOJ that Google lacks incentives to protect user privacy and innovation. While Google said the notes don’t reflect its views, the judge found them relevant and embarrassing. He denied redactions and released Roszak’s related testimony. The parties agreed Google could object to exhibit posts, otherwise the DOJ could post them after each trial day.

    The DOJ then posted Roszak’s notes, allowing the public to read the content at the center of debate.

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    The US House of Representatives passed a stopgap funding bill to avoid a government shutdown. The bill passed with bipartisan support after Republican Speaker Kevin McCarthy backed down from demands for only Republican votes. This averted a shutdown that would have started at midnight. Democrats celebrated the passage as a win, with over 200 of their members voting for it. McCarthy said he acted as the “adult in the room” to prevent a shutdown, despite risks to his position as leader. The funding fight focuses on a small part of the overall federal budget but raises concerns about the country’s creditworthiness.

    The passage buys Congress more time to negotiate detailed legislation setting funding levels for federal programs.

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    Alan Colie was found not guilty of malicious wounding charges for shooting YouTube prankster Tanner Cook inside Dulles Town Center mall in April. Colie admitted to shooting Cook but claimed self-defense, saying Cook approached him from behind and played a phrase in his ear multiple times using Google Translate. Security footage showed Cook holding his phone near Colie’s ear for around 20 seconds before Colie backed away and fired his gun. The jury acquitted Colie on the malicious wounding charges but found him guilty of discharging a firearm in the mall, a verdict that was later set aside. While the prosecution argued Cook never threatened Colie, the jury sided with Colie’s self-defense claim.

    Notably, the case gained attention as Cook filmed prank videos for his YouTube channel at the time of the shooting.

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    French authorities raided Nvidia’s offices as part of an antitrust investigation into the cloud computing sector. The regulator is concerned that large cloud firms could use their dominance to hinder smaller players. While companies rely on Nvidia’s AI chips, its market share was estimated to be over 90% by analysts at Citi, highlighting its dominance in this area. The raid on Nvidia comes months after a report by the Competition Authority recommended monitoring established companies for potential hindrance of new entrants using emerging technologies like AI. As demand grew for Nvidia’s components, its valuation surpassed $1 trillion in June. The inquiry focuses on Nvidia but is part of a larger examination of anticompetitive practices in cloud computing.

    Nvidia’s overwhelming market share in AI chips appears to have triggered scrutiny from French regulators.

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    The article discusses Joseph Roberts, who was touted by the Trump administration as a victim of #MeToo accusations but is now accused of a gruesome crime. In July, a dismembered woman’s body was found in a garbage bag in Alameda, with her head, hands and feet removed. The victim was identified as Rachel Elizabeth Imani Buckner, a young mother and spoken-word poet who had just graduated from a San Francisco law school. Investigative reporter Matthias Gafni covers the story for the San Francisco Chronicle. He has worked for Bay Area newspapers for almost two decades, covering corruption, criminal justice and more. Notably, Gafni won a Pulitzer Prize in 2017 for his work on the Ghost Ship fire and was a finalist in 2019 for coverage of the Camp Fire.

    This shocking crime story highlights how Roberts was previously portrayed very differently before the disturbing allegations against him surfaced.

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    ASML, a leading Dutch semiconductor equipment manufacturer, plans to open a support center in Hokkaido, Japan in 2024. The center will provide support to Rapidus, a newly established Japanese chip producer located in Chitose, Hokkaido. ASML will send around 40-50 engineers to the center to assist Rapidus. ASML is uniquely capable of supporting Rapidus as the only manufacturer of extreme ultraviolet lithography machines, which are essential for producing advanced chips. Rapidus was formed in 2021 as a joint venture between 8 major Japanese companies including Toyota and Sony, to develop a domestic source of next-generation semiconductors. The Japanese government strongly supports Rapidus in pursuit of supply chain and economic security.

    Notably, Rapidus aims to begin test production of cutting-edge 2-nanometer chips from its new Chitose factory as early as April 2025.

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    Meta today announced its new $500 Meta Quest 3 virtual reality headset, which features improved resolution, processing power, and comfort over the Quest 2. Meanwhile, Apple is preparing to launch its high-end $3,500 Vision Pro mixed reality headset next year with 4K displays offering 23 million pixels. The Quest 3 uses Qualcomm’s new Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 chip and improved cameras for augmented reality experiences similar to the Vision Pro. Weighing over a pound, the Quest 3 includes updated lenses and fabric strap for comfort. Its controllers offer haptic feedback and camera-based navigation. Both headsets last around two hours per charge but the Vision Pro can run all day when wired to a power source.

    Pre-orders for the Quest 3 start today ahead of shipments beginning in October.

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    Raspberry Pi has announced the launch of the Raspberry Pi 5, coming at the end of October. The new model features a faster quad-core processor clocked at 2.4GHz, improved GPU, and is over twice as fast as the previous model. It has been designed in-house in Cambridge and includes new chips designed specifically for it. Notable features include dual 4K display support, USB 3.0 ports, and PCIe and MIPI interfaces for expansion. Accessories like an active cooler, upgraded power supply and camera cables are available. Owners of MagPi magazines and existing customers will have priority access to the new device.

    Of interest is that it includes the first Raspberry Pi chip designed entirely in-house.

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    US applications for unemployment benefits fell to their lowest level in eight months last week, dropping to 201,000. This indicates layoffs decreased and the labor market remains strong despite interest rate hikes aimed at reducing inflation. The lower figure represents the fewest jobless claims since late January. Additionally, the four-week moving average declined by 7,750 to 217,000. While the Fed did not raise rates this week, it has enacted 11 hikes since March 2021. Despite these rate increases, the economy and job market have held up better than expected according to recent data showing healthy job growth and declining but still robust job openings. While some layoffs occurred mainly in technology, businesses have largely tried to retain employees as demand remains high.

    Overall, the number of people collecting unemployment benefits decreased by 21,000 to 1.66 million for the week ending September 9th.

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    The NYPD will begin a two-month pilot program to test a 420-pound autonomous security robot called the Knightscope K5. The robot will patrol the Times Square subway station overnight with the goal of deterring crime and providing information to deploy officers. Mayor Adams expressed support for using new technologies like the robot to keep the city safe. The K5 has multiple cameras, a button for public assistance, and speaker for communication. It can move at 3 mph and has 360-degree vision. The robot will act as another surveillance camera and be monitored initially by an NYPD handler. After two months, Adams hopes it can patrol solo. While some have privacy and budget concerns about police robots, Adams pushed the K5 to show it cannot be easily tampered with.

    The pilot program aims to test the cost-effectiveness of a robot cop that requires no breaks versus a human officer.

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    The Historic Writers Strike Will Soon Be Over discusses the tentative agreement reached between Hollywood studios and the Writers Guild of America to end the nearly 5-month long writers’ strike. The union email to members said the agreement includes meaningful gains and protections for writers. Ratification of the deal could set historic precedents on issues like equitable pay and guardrails around AI use. The resolution means writers can resume work, ending the production standstill. Looming deadlines likely motivated the deal. The email outlined the ratification vote process. President Biden welcomed the deal, calling for fair worker compensation.

    Throughout the strike, writers effectively used public protest and perception of corporate greed to gain leverage in negotiations.

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    Writers reach tentative deal with studios to end nearly 150-day strike. Talks between the Writers Guild of America and Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers resumed last week, leading to a preliminary agreement. The WGA and AMPTP are still finalizing contract language. The strike is not officially over until membership ratifies the deal. Hollywood writers initially struck in May seeking protections for AI use and higher pay for streamed content. President Biden supported the agreement, noting collective bargaining secures worker benefits and dignity. SAG-AFTRA performers have been on strike since July seeking similar updates to improve wages, working conditions, and benefits. They also want streaming service transparency for equitable residual payments.

    The acting union remains committed to achieving necessary terms and congratulated writers on their “incredible strength, resiliency and solidarity” during 146 days of picketing.

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