I was actually looking in to that last night. I’ll probably try it once but I do wonder if the time it would take would be worth the money saved.
I was actually looking in to that last night. I’ll probably try it once but I do wonder if the time it would take would be worth the money saved.
This is a neat idea, I’ll give it a shot next time we have some!
We are very much not local, but I see they have some stuff 20% out so we might check it out! Thank you!
I’ve experienced that at a friend’s house and I don’t prefer it over just using our existing wax burner, if we are going to do something flameless. They were very pleasant smelling though!
This is the route that we go too actually, I just hate having to wait for sales haha
Honestly, we normally burn them for ~6-7 hours at a time when we light them. We both work from home and I’ll usually light it up the first time I get up from the computer. It doesn’t happen with nicer candles, but some of the cheaper 1 wick ones we get from Walmart or Aldi will tunnel like that even with the long burns.
That is possible, though from my limited experience (2 call centers) companies won’t tell Customer Service reps to deny knowledge of something that is public knowledge. They will have some sort of carefully constructed public statement instead. And most reps don’t care enough to do anything besides repeat the statement, possibly verbatim.
I’ve worked adjacent to customer service people in a call center. Honestly, they might not have known. Call centers are frequently terrible about giving their reps news BEFORE customers start calling in about it. Plus, low level call center reps generally aren’t exactly star employees and may or may not pay attention when told things.
It was Epic exclusive on PC I believe
Obviously you do or else you wouldn’t live there
Very much not true. Moving to another country full time is not particularly easy for a lot of people.
I remember my friends and I doing this in 2008. This really is super old
My group really dislikes mega dungeons…or really any dungeon…
Dungeons and Dragons
they’re weird people
Your aren’t wrong.
I kid. Honestly, my group is super role-playing heavy and doesn’t tend to gravitate towards dungeons either. We like to joke that we play the game wrong because in the game world I am running their are no dragons either, so we really don’t do Dungeons OR Dragons.
Potentially weird question, but how did you get in to CSMing? I started in customer service and moved over to the training department instead. I’ve dome that at various companies since 2017, including training new CSMs for 2 years. That said, there is no real room for advancement for me with my current path I feel because I really don’t want to move in to management.
Is there a route you would suggest, outside of starting over at the bottom of the totem pole somewhere and working my way to CSM?
I recommend using Tor browser as an alternate option. For anybody who can’t use a VPN or doesn’t want to.
Not somewhere I had considered looking but we have one nearby, I’ll check it out