• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023


  • It’s not a dumb law. Musk’s quote conveniently side-steps the truth. The way it was: Search/social media website provided pointless links to the news source while stealing the news and publishing it itself and earning all the ad revenue. Original news source: starved.

    The way the law should have worked (and will as soon as Meta and X’s greed corrects itself): Search/social media websites provide link to news provider and gains ad revenue as normal. News provider actually gets visits to read their news and also earns ad revenue.

  • You know this whole post is doing absolute wonders for demonstrating exactly how reliable this particular Community apparently is. Seriously, posters linking articles with blatant ignorance of the subject matter, defending that choice (and their choice to link it demonstrating their lack of knowledge on the subject matter too), getting crazy up-votes from people who obviously don’t know any better and then your comment of ‘muh, Science vs Technology is an arbitrary distinction and totally not something where both rely on each other intimately’.

    [Slow clap] thanks guys. Good to know if I ever need to cite how unreliable this community actually is I’ll forever have this exquisite reference.

  • Light is almost certainly the fastest thing around. So it makes sense that “light-based wireless communications,” or LiFi, could blow the theoretical doors off existing radio-wave wireless standards, to the tune of a maximum 224GB per second. [Edit, 2:40 p.m.: It does not make sense, and those doors would remain on each rhetorical vehicle. As pointed out by commenters, radio waves, in a vacuum, would reasonably be expected to travel at the same speed as light. Ars, but moreso the author personally, regrets the error. Original post continues.]

    JFC is this really where you want to get your technology data from? Authors that clearly have no grasp of even the basest fundamentals in the physics involved? Really?