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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • General tenants about being excellent to eachother, none of that smiting bullshit for people to cherrypick.

    Multitheistic with different gods responsible for different aspects of reality with the general commandment of the religion being that the best way to become closer to the gods (or specific god of preference) is to understand their creation and thus understand them (go do science!)

    Throw in some enjoyable aspects like funerals being a celebration rather than a sombre occasion; colour code the gods so we don’t even up with everything being fucking gray or gilded; And have a neat little offering ceremony for each god thats simple but unique and inexpensive so people can go all starsigny on it, offerings being a good luck thing rather than mandatory.

  • I’m starting to wonder if its LLMs. An AGI is something we would be incredibly cautious around and is really no more likely to be psychopathic than any other living thing, the vast majority of which are not. LLMs on the other hand are pushed into every role techbros can shove them into while having less understanding of what they do than a housefly, the potential for damage is immense if someone decides to put one in charge of something important like infastructure or weaponry.

  • CheeseNoodle@lemmy.worldtomemes@lemmy.worldfin
    21 days ago

    I don’t think any amount of skill can get you there for free. The game is literally programmed to get harder and harder until you wait 24h or pay some money (after which point it will actually make itself easier than normal for a while to give you that dopamine hit and train you like pavlovs dog) The game does have impossible configurations and you’d run up against those regardless of skill.