On June 1st, 2020, following the events in Lafayette Square, Washington, D.C., a group of veterans became Continue To Serve. Our oath is to the Constitution. Not to one ideal. Not to one religion. Not to one person in office.
If you are looking for inspiration, we @ContinueToServe@lemmy.world just finished a 1.5 hour session with lawyers from NLG, historians, and activists to help service members understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to illegal orders potentially being issued by this administration.
We just uploaded it to youtube and its available here:
If you are looking for inspiration, we @ContinueToServe@lemmy.world just finished a 1.5 hour session with lawyers from NLG, historians, and activists to help service members understand their rights and responsibilities when it comes to illegal orders potentially being issued by this administration.
We just uploaded it to youtube and its available here: