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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Defaced@lemmy.mltoLinus Tech Tips@lemmy.ml*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    This is a terrible apology video, what the fuck Linus…I hope they make another video regarding the sexual assault allegations. This is just in bad taste…I mean we’re talking almost blizzard levels of sexual harassment and assault stopping short of driving someone to suicide. Fuck these guys and their channel I hope they go under and get buried.

  • I mean, you kinda prove my point, they probably grew too fast, realized they need more money and are now chasing profit. Linus did it to himself, now corporate greed is stepping in because his way simply wasn’t working and he recognized he sucks at running the company. Now they’re putting out rushed videos with inaccurate numbers and benchmarks to chase those profits. Like I said, it’s clear what’s happening.

  • I’m not buying that, there’s probably a little bit of truth in there, but honestly it’s pretty clear what’s happening. The higher ups require a certain amount of videos a week to be profitable, if they don’t meet that quota then they’re not making money or they think they’re not making money. They’re also pretty clearly favoring their sponsors and reviewing their products positively without showing actual credible benchmarks. It’s the sign of corporate greed creeping in once again and someone finally called out their bullshit. Linus isn’t taking it very well, and I can imagine why when someone you thought to be a friend or colleague is now calling you out with credible evidence that you’re just bullshitting around and half-assing the product you build from the ground up.

  • This is gonna be an unpopular opinion, but Linux mint. It’s great if you’re just getting into Linux, it’s absolutely terrible when you know what you’re doing in Linux. The old package base and kernel just kills me sometimes. I get they want a stable base and use the lts versions of Ubuntu, but my goodness it’s always so far behind it’s not even worth using if you’re on AMD. Thankfully they’ve realized this after so many years and are releasing an EDGE iso with updated packages and kernel and LMDE is getting a version upgrade.

  • What do you think flatpak and snaps are? They’re at the very least containerized applications. Why would I install distrobox when I can literally install the same apps without having to screw around with installing a third party tool from a GitHub repo? That just seems like more trouble than it’s worth. Not to mention you have to trust the GitHub author which really is no different than trusting the AUR package maintainer.

  • Fedora is ok, idk what it is but I have never had a good experience with Fedora. If you need to install anything outside of the default repos it can be a major pain and while yum is ancient and rock solid, it’s replacement with dnf, is terrible and slow. OpenSuse is also rock solid but I didn’t like the install experience and while yast is good, you’re still limited by the repos. Also OpenSuse is getting rid of, I think it’s called leap or something, which I think tumbleweed uses as a base. It’s unfortunate but I think the best option for most new Linux users is simply the latest Ubuntu. I hate snaps as much as the next guy, but their packages are fairly up to date. Outside of that you have the niche distros like MX and Garuda, but even those are just Debian and Arch. The other option is LMDE by the Linux mint team but idk how often that’s updated.

  • Every time I use Manjaro something horribly breaks. It’s odd though because I daily drive endeavour now and it’s been rock solid with no issues other than my own stupidity in partitioning my drives. I would stay away from Manjaro personally and use endeavour if you’re dedicated to arch. If you want a rolling release distro then rhino Linux just released their first major version and it’s a rolling release Ubuntu distro. Either way my opinion is the same, Manjaro was good for it’s time, but it’s been overshadowed and buried by other arch distros that are way more stable.