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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • It’s not a scam, its an accessory. It’s not going to make your ram faster or make you better at gaming but no one is claiming it will. Sure, its definitely overpriced for what you get but you’re delusional if you don’t think every company is doing that, rgb or not.

    At the end of the day, some people just like to play with colourful lights and its not like you’re being forced to pay for rgb you don’t want, you can just build without it and save some money.

    I don’t really get the big deal about it. Personally I prefer a clean dark build without the flashy lights but again, that’s personal preference. I wouldn’t want to force anyone to give up something they like.

  • Not that I’m worried at all, I understand you’ll never get anything perfectly balanced. I’m more concerned by trying to closely match price and performance. I could buy a top of the range graphics card for £800 but it won’t even sweat at the CPU desperately trying to keep up. I’d rather buy a cheaper card that’s going to let me stretch my CPU without breaking the bank

    I know I can get a better card that will let me better utilise my CPU and that my card is what’s limiting me right now so as long as I can bridge that gap as best I can I’d be very happy

  • It’s so much worse than anyone outside of the UK can imagine. Milk and beer come in pints but water and wine come in litres (actually, wine and liquor sometimes comes in centilitres which is actually worse) . Most fuel pumps show you the quantity in litres but we still measure speed in miles per hour and efficiency in miles per gallon.

    I know my own weight in kilos but my height in feet. When I go to the barbers I ask for a one mill on the sides and an inch off the top. I try and run a 5k every now and again but could never do a marathon.

    Then there’s the generation split. I’m of that weird generation where I’m caught in the middle of older teachers knowing imperial better but trying to teach metric in school.

    My parents always used imperial so I learned some of that early on but then learned metric in school. Went to engineering college where they taught me all the more advanced metric before going to work at a company that almost exclusively uses imperial (thank you American aerospace for that one)

    Shit, even our kettles can’t seem to decide on imperial cups or just guessing how big the average mug is. My kettle has both cups and millilitre gradiations on it.

    And don’t get me started on single, double, king and queen beds! Turns out there’s a euro standard and they’re not the same as our standard! You can buy a double sheet that’s closer to fitting a queen size bed!

    Idek what’s going on at this point lol

  • You should try a bunch and see what you really like! The beauty of Linux is there’s so much out there that you’ll almost definitely find one that gels with you.

    A good place to start is Linux mint! The best way I can describe it is a blend of all the best parts of windows 7, 10 and 11 with very few of the downsides. You’ll almost definitely settle in quickly and you might never want to switch as it’s very full featured, snappy and well put together. It was designed for people wanting that Linux experience while still feeling familiar to windows users.

    Another one to try if you love customisability is ZorinOS. There’s a free and paid tier, both of which are excellent with the free tier offering layouts for old and new windows and Mac like experience and the paid tier (only around £30 for a lifetime licence) has layouts and customisability for absolutely everything else and extra tools and options for those that want more of that!

  • Winston Churchill. It doesn’t take a lot of digging to realise he was absolutely a racist and white supremacist little shit. Even “judged by the morals of the time” people recognised just how aweful he truly was.

    Yes, his contributions to the defeat of the Nazis is undeniably great. He was a good wartime prime minister and that shouldn’t be overlooked. This doesn’t excuse some of the more heinous things he’s said and done.

    Shamefully, the British education system failed spectacularly on this point. I grew up believing he was some paragon of moral good and justice and the school system did nothing to counter this. We’d all rather believe he was a great man. If he is, as they say, “the greatest Briton”, were fucked.

    “I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place.” - Winston Churchill 1937