• 2 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2023


  • Nope.

    I don’t even feel like I should tell you why you’re wrong, but here we go.

    You assume that the fuel oil is more volatile then cooking temperatures, but what fuel oil? Diesel? Diesel has a boiling temperature between 160c and 360c(diesel varries because there are different compositions and blends). Deep fry is between 160c and 190c. That assumes we’re deep frying. Plenty of ways to use cooking oil without heating to those temperatures.

    Also assumes that there’s nothing else in the fuel oil. Plenty of additives that might not boil off or if they do, be toxic if inhaled. I have of stories of transformer oil being used for deep frying.

  • The only thing you’re interested in is showing how much of a bigger person you are on the internet. What we’re doing is speaking about all the ways this is fucked up and hypotheticals about how it can go wrong. For a lot of us, this isn’t new. I my political life time alone, I saw 8 years of rights being eroded by the Bush II administration with no real push back and once Obama got in under the promise of fixing things, a whole lot of inaction on rolling back any of the rights violations.

    The powers that be are taking advantage of how distributed the responsibilities of government are. If it’s so easy to lose rights, why is it so hard to gain them back. There’s always someone else to point at for why that is the case. In Nazi Germany, that was called The Banality of Evil. I see that everyday when some injustice is hand waved away as being too ingrained to do anything about. Police Reform? Too hard. Effective Climate Action? It would hurt the economy. The SC is eroding our rights? Have to wait for someone to die or retired(lol).

  • Or Russia can get the fuck out of Ukraine. Your “compromise” is letting the mugger only take half of your wallet.

    Giving concessions to Nazi Germany is how the world let WWII happen in the first place. Russia has been allowed to fuck around for far too much. They should have been stopped when they invaded Georgia. Letting them have parts of Ukraine will only give them time to regroup and possibly invade either Ukraine again or some other nation.

    before I was comfortable with Crimea or other parts of Eastern Ukraine joining Russia.

    Are you currently in Crimea? Other parts of Ukraine? Is this really your call?