At this point I’m more concerned about the American election results, which could result in an authoritarian regime…
At this point I’m more concerned about the American election results, which could result in an authoritarian regime…
The answer is always, the service will sick until you leave for another company.
Then you’ll find out sucks just as much there, cause you have to buy from someone
In fact, without the pier they still would have executed the operation. Pier was convenient, but not necessary
There’s absolutely no way they’d have allowed it’s construction of it wasn’t necessary for them. We can tell because it’s already being dismantled
This right here is the correct answer.
The pier was necessary for Israeli ops tho
Regressives want the personal freedom to harass hurt and kill who they want. That’s what they’re talking about. They feel the walls finally around them saying they can’t. So they lash out, at anything.
They are dangerous feral animals
Time to scrape notes data for ai
The example of the mobile phone is pretty wrong. The first mobile cost about $4000 and the cheapest today still costs around $25. The original cars cost 30k adjusted for inflation with the cheapest today costing around 15.
Once again. It’s always held true. Outside factors could make it take longer but ultimately you said never. Which basically makes your original statement near impossible.
Logically the refutation is kind of easy. Your prediction hinges on two things. A predicate that technology will never get better or cheaper.
Both of those things happen all the time as such, the refutation is simple.
Points to our entire technological history
It began with horse armour…
You’re allowed to take videos in public, yes. but someone can’t then steal that video and use it for just any purpose.
There’s a clear distinction
View is not the same as “use in a commercial enterprise to turn a profit”. Only a fool would think that’s the same thing.
The modularity is important. You might not care about cost to replace, and affordability. Plenty of people do.
What’s weirder is you compare it to a MacBook Pro with 400, when much much faster is available elsewhere. It’s not an apples to apples comparison.
Israel kicking Palestine for 50+ years. Don’t be surprised when they kick back.
Honestly, if you’re outraged about 10/7 wait till you hear about the last 50+ years!
I’ll bet it’s more than 30% left but bots backfilled the space.
Even if China has access to my data, that’s way less scary than Zuck, musk, Bezos or any other tech bro.
Found one of the guys who spoke to the bot
My opinion was more a reflection that seeing a mental healthcare professional once a week isn’t really enough when people don’t have traditional support mechanisms.
What I’m trying to say is that before therapists, friends and family were therapists. They were available to give support and advice nearly 24/7
In today’s life people are too busy to do that.
It was never queer people destroying the family. It’s always been capitalism
Definitely not, but the truth is mental health support and care is needed 24/7. Good mental health care. So many support needs go unmet because the labour cost is so high.
Bootlickers always do