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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Do I need a 20TB boot drive? No. Do I want it enough to pay $250? Yes, absolutely. I’m running 1TB now and I need to manage my space far more often than I’d like, despite the fact that I keep my multimedia on external mass storage. Also, sometimes the performance of that external HD really is a hindrance. I’d love to just have (almost) everything on my primary volume and never worry about it.

    It’s kind of weird how I have less internal storage today than I did 15 years ago. I mean, it’s like 50 times faster, but still.

    I’m not super-skeptical about the pricing. This stuff can’t stay expensive forever, and 2027 is still a ways off.

  • I think it helps to think of browsing as a basic form of searching. Everything you can do in a browsing context, you can by definition do in a searching context…if the client doesn’t suck. The information needed to browse is embedded in the tags.

    So this strikes me as entirely dependent on your client software. A good client should let you browse by tags. You could add Dewey numbers as tags to start with, so you can browse that way if you want, then add any other tags that might be useful (like genres, for example) on top of that.

    The only difference with tags in this context is that books will appear in multiple places.

  • Depends on the specifics. My high-end MacBook Pro uses active cooling, but in practice it almost never comes on. It’s wayyyyy more efficient than the previous Intel gen.

    A week or two ago, I accidentally left a Python process running using 100% of a single core. I didn’t even notice for several hours, until it ate up all my RAM. On on Intel laptop the fan would’ve let me know in like two minutes.

    I don’t think Qualcomm’s actually caught up to Apple yet, but it’s getting close. It’s good to see more competition.

  • For all the talk of regulating AI, I think the only meaningful regulation is very simple: hold the people implementing it accountable.

    You want to use AI instead of a real certified professional? Go nuts. Let it write your legal contracts, file your taxes, diagnose your patients. But be prepared to get sued into oblivion when it makes a mistake that real professionals spend years of expensive training learning to avoid. Let the insurance industry do the risk assessment and see how unviable it is to replace human experts when there’s human accountability.