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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: November 2nd, 2023


  • There’s not enough information that I’d be comfortable drawing conclusions about this. One person’s past flame can be another person’s one who got away. It’s entirely possible she’s keeping tabs on you online in a method you’re not aware of, but if you don’t know that she’s intentionally moved to be close to you and she hasn’t done anything concerning like made threats or faked a pregnancy or created circumstances that compel you to interact with her against your normal inclinations, I wouldn’t guess stalking. Some people do coincidentally reconnect.

    That said, the important question is whether you want to engage with her or not going forward. If you don’t, I wouldn’t lead her on by giving her any more attention. Make a clean break and just tell her you’re not interested. If she reacts with melodrama or stalking behavior, then you’ll definitely know you made the right decision.

    If you are interested in possibly pursuing something with her or at least giving her a chance, be honest that you’re a little freaked out about how she’s previously behaved. You shouldn’t proceed with her thinking that the behavior was not concerning. She should respect your comfort levels if she wants a relationship. If she’s dismissive of your concerns and comfort, it’s a big red flag that you shouldn’t engage further.

  • Yeah, there are so many movies based on media with a deeper and richer source material than can be presented well in a 2-hour movie format. For example, the Ender’s Game novel spent a significant amount of time on the progression of Ender’s career at the Battle School and the movie only spent as much time as was necessary to show that he was good. A TV series could tell the parallel story of Ender’s Shadow as well in the same season.

    A counterexample is that sometimes the TV series may over milk the source material and drag out which should be a shorter story. The first season of American Gods was awesome, but they kept dragging out the series way too much by stretching out the stories of minor characters and fumbled in the end.

  • HenchmanNumber3@lemm.eetomemes@lemmy.worldMommy's Choice
    6 months ago

    About 90% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks, well before the fetus could even look like a post-birth baby like the one depicted in the meme. This is a common tactic of anti-choicers to depict abortion as being performed on fully formed and almost born fetuses. They try to use edge cases to argue against unrelated and more common experiences. Fetuses aren’t conscious or sentient or viable when most abortions are performed. Don’t let them get away with disingenuously conflating those concepts and milestones.

  • It’s still not stealing. It’s plagiarism or fraud or any number of other terms, but stealing necessarily requires the deprivation of a limited, rivalrous thing, like money or property. You can’t steal fame or exposure or credit, except poetically. And by that point, the word becomes so watered down that it’s meaningless. You might as well say I’m stealing your life seconds at a time by writing this extra sentence.

    The purpose of using the term stealing here is only to borrow the negative moral connotations of the term, but it doesn’t communicate clearly what exactly is happening.

    It’s perfectly valid to say you consider it morally equivalent with theft, but it’s not stealing.

  • I wouldn’t put a lot of stock into this video. It conflates different things that were deployed separately years apart and used differently. I’m not willing to waste more of my time, but just looking at the rest of the video titles and graphics, the source seems suspect and prone to sensationalizing for attention.

    First, the mention of cost is deceptive because Google Suite for Education was free when initially released (as the fundamentals tier is today) for qualifying schools (and basically every public school qualified). Google Suite for Education wasn’t treated by every school as a competitor or replacement to the Microsoft Office Suite. It was complementary. The initial benefit wasn’t Google Docs or Sheets. It was the free student and instructor Gmail and Drive storage accounts, allowing students to save Word documents to the cloud and share them. That Google Docs was a decent alternative to Word was useful when not every student could afford a computer with Microsoft Office and any computer with a web browser could use it, so Macs and PCs were complementary, not competitive, devices.

    Google Classroom is different than Google Suite for Education, so conflating them as the video did is odd. Google Classroom is the learning management software like Canvas, Blackboard, or Brightspace. But it’s not really marketed as an alternative to them with the same features because it wasn’t intended to disrupt their markets. Classroom is more appropriate for K12 and the expensive LMSs are more likely to be found in higher ed where institutions can afford the higher licensing fees.

    I won’t defend Chromebooks for advanced uses, but they weren’t intended to be full replacements for laptops, so you don’t even have to. The video presents this realization of the limitations of Chromebooks on the part of the educators as a failure of Google rather than the technology needs advancing over time.

    Like with anything else when it comes to technology, different needs and use cases will have different solutions. There isn’t one operating system, piece of hardware, cloud suite, or mobile device that is best for everyone’s needs.