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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 5th, 2023


  • The apps is definitely a part of it for me. One if my friends got YouTube Premium, and since he has 3 profiles he can attach to it, hrs letting me use it. It’s nice for the ad free videos on my TV. But it also comes with YouTube Music. It’s honestly kind of annoying at times.

    Like yesterday I wanted to listen to an album by a band, and they only have like 2 of 3 albums. The one I wanted to listen to is the one they didn’t have. So I had to make a Playlist by finding videos of the songs.

    And thats for a band that’s not super underground. I listen to a lot of grindcore and black metal, and a lot of that isn’t even on there.

    And when you download things, you can only have it organized by albums. I can’t organize it by band and then have all the albums.

    It’s also sometimes slow to load up stuff I’ve downloaded.

    Over all its not the greatest experience. I’m currently looking at getting a mobile game device for my emulators so I can free up space on my phone, and then I’m thinking about just going back to having all the music on files on there and using an music player app. And like you said, I can have it organized how I want and customize things a bit more. Especially since I no longer have Comcast, so I can use Soulseek again.

  • I would argue it’s a slightly effective form… but only if they advertise the point. There’s been plenty of times I’ve seen this for environmentalism, and people start talking about it in the comments. Not completely directly, but it gets them talking. Like when they would super glue their hands to the ground, in one video one of the protestors threw the bottle into a drain. So people started talking about how hypocritical it was because that’s bad for the environment. Which was a small thing, but the conversation was happening.

    People used to make fun activists who would throw red paint onto fashion models wearing fur. But over the years, that slowed down because designers stopped using real fur. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of it was because they were afraid of getting their stuff ruined, but now most designers won’t use fur for ethical reasons. Because they realize animals don’t need to be bred and killed for their suits.

    The only real downside is that it does make them come off as assholes, but also no real way to turn that around. Like black people would do sit ins at restaurants, and a lot of white people hated them for it… but then other white people also got to see them get abused for it. Things like that can help change people’s perspective. With this, they throw it, and then it mostly stops there. They’re just assholes. It gets the conversation going, but not enough, because it just stops at them being assholes.

  • And thats why I’m not worried about them doing anything other than what they’re already doing. They know they would be fucked if they leave.

    And if they do? Well then we deal with it when that time comes. Hopefully a bunch of left leaning people leave, including my brother and his wife, and a bunch of MAGAts can go there and talk about how much they love America while also leaving it.

  • If you go through the music of the era you like, there was slop there are well. Slop isn’t new. You just like some of the music that survived that time period.

    Its like with literature. We have “the classics.” The range from a lot of different eras. And many of them are great, even if not for everyone. But then you go through sights like Project Gutenberg, where they are trying to make a digital copy of every book in the public domain, and you start to realize just how many books there were that no one talks about. And those are just ones that have survived.

    If you want a great example of this with music: disco. Disco was essentially the pop of it’s time. It’s really where pop was born. Super popular for a short period of time. Lots of famous groups because of it.

    How many can you name off the top of your head? How many do you think most people can name? Probably not many. Because a lot of it might have been good, but it was really that good.

    I listen to metal. But I didn’t get into it until my junior year of high school. So about 2006-2007. Before that I knew Metallica. I knew Black Sabbath. Things like that, but I never got into the genre until that point. I also realize that I only habe listened to a very small fraction of the bands from that era, because more of it is just buried and forgotten about.

    We can take this a step further. I probably wouldn’t be able to list 1/5th of the bands I listened to in the 2010s. A lot of those bands I might think about from time to time, but many of them that I actually enjoyed I’ll probably remember. They were good, but didn’t have much staying power. They weren’t exceptional. They didn’t influence anything. But I still enjoyed listening to them.

    This is a shortened version to say that while I’m sure it’s great to cum to your superior taste, music has had slop for a long time, and you’re not better for not enjoying it. You’re just boring.

  • I think it’s like a lot of things in life. Especially when capitalism is concerned.

    There’s a seedy, underground section of it. Women get trafficked and forced to make videos. It’s disgusting and something I don’t ever see going away. If it’s not porn, it’s prostitution. Sex trafficking makes a ton of money, and a lot of rich people are sociopaths.

    However, outside of that, it’s fine. Watch it in moderation. We’re human. Most of us like sex. We like watching other people have sex.

  • I feel like anytime I’ve ever taken a class to learn how to use Word, it’s been one of two things.

    First is essentially how we will use Word. It’s a note pad with a few extra things for editing text, but the main thing is headers, footers, and the margin sizes.

    Second is nothing I will ever use. When I was going to school for accounting I had to take a class on Windows programs, and we spent so much time learning how to post images, how to edit them, and shit like that. By the end of the class I could probably make a profesional looking flyer, but it would have taken half the time with any image editing type program.

    Also in that class we had a free students version of Word, which meant that there were usually steps in the homework we couldn’t do, but we still got points docked for it. Even though we all told the professor about this. So that was fun.

  • First, things like TVs. Not only can you actually see tvs plugged in and how they look, but you can also get open boxed ones to save a few bucks.

    Keyboards and mice. You’re not gonna be able to get a complete, full experience like when you’re sitting down to really use it, but you can get a pretty damn good understanding of how it feels.

    More good products from the actual brands, instead of hundreds of scams or cheap Chinese products that will break in a month being drop shipped. I wouldn’t be able to count how many times I’ve seen the same exact product show up multiple times with a different company name. It’s one of the reasons I try to not use the vast majority of online shopping sites. Having an open market sounds awesome. You get to sell your own stuff and reach a wider audience. But people are greedy fucks and ruin it for everyone.

    Also, I sometimes like going to stores. It’s an excuse to get out of the house. It doesn’t feel like it fills that need when I’m grocery shopping, but if I’m gonna go buy something I want, then it makes it more exciting. If I got nothing else planned for the weekend, might as well.

    The only problem is that I only have BB for electronics. So the options are a bit limited.