I’m giving up on Lemmy. Too many toxic users. Too many bad mods who fail to remove the toxicity. And toxicity seems to be part of the culture here, judging from how everyone acts like it’s normal. Also, why is everyone a programmer?

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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2024


  • Remember Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Philippines and Malaysia are US allies.

    It’s a little more than just being allies.

    The South Korean military is under US control. (South Korea has symbolic control during peace time, but “operational control” reverts to the US during wartime.) South Korea has been asking the US to give them operational control of their own army for decades, but the US has never done so.

    And Japan does not have its own army. As per the US-Japan Security Treaty (which was forced on Japan after WWII), the US military is in charge of the defense of Japan. The US has more troops in Japan than in any other foreign country.

  • Because China has never had expansionist ambitions. I know that goes against hundreds of years of Yellow Peril tropes in Western media, but it’s true.

    China’s history has been a cycle of ethnic Han states uniting into a larger ethnic Han state, and then splitting, and then re-uniting. As Han populations spread, those areas would eventually be integrated into China, but China had very little interest in annexing non-Han areas.

    Before anyone asks, Tibet was unified with China when both areas were conquered by the Mongols. It wasn’t an act of Chinese expansion.

    And Vietnam was considered to be a Han area. The literate classes of Vietnam spoke Chinese and were culturally Chinese before being incorporated into the Han dynasty.

  • This would be more like EVERYBODY vs Russia.

    I do not share your confidence about that.

    Countries with nuclear weapons include China, India, Pakistan, North Korea, and possibly Iran. And while I don’t think any of them want a nuclear war, if a nuclear war breaks out, I can imagine three or four of them siding with Russia.

    China might side with Russia simply because they’re sick of the US trying to hem them in militarily through the “island chain” strategy. The US has the entire coast of China surrounded by military bases, which could be used to cut off China’s trade routes, which is an existential threat to China because their economy is so dependent on exports.

    North Korea has a historical beef with the US, and Russia helped North Korea survive through a period when the US tried to starve them.

    India and Pakistan have a long-running dispute over Kashmir, and if India backs the US, it’s possibly Pakistan will back Russia just to oppose India.

    And Russia and Iran have been solid military and economic allies for a while now, working together in recent conflicts in Syria and Iraq.