Looks like a junk drawer or a multi purpose drawer in any kitchen. There is often one near the sink. In some larger cabinet sets, the small drawer like that is on the end. But it varies where everyone has it. Maybe all the decent sized kitchens do.
Looks like a junk drawer or a multi purpose drawer in any kitchen. There is often one near the sink. In some larger cabinet sets, the small drawer like that is on the end. But it varies where everyone has it. Maybe all the decent sized kitchens do.
Check out JoseMonkey’s recent TED talk about internet privacy and how easy it is for someone to find you on the Internet based even on a short video or an image. If it is that easy to find out where someone lives based on a picture and he mentions a lot of other clues people use to connect accounts from different social media, imagine what others can do.
Now multiply the amount of accounts you have on various social media, the amount that you post on there, the amount of friends and friends of friends sharing, tagging or reposting your content and possibly your information and then compare it to the vast amount of people in the world who use the internet. Now consider the amount of scammers, spammers and other bad actors plus anyone who you did not intentionally upset but just makes it a hobby of exploiting these things and using or distributing that info. That doesn’t really include sites with public record lookups. They might not steal your identity, but if they have your info they can give/sell it to someone who potentially will.
Online content is a different story. There is always the possibility, but there is no guarantee that they won’t report streaming pirated content unless you take measures such as a VPN. Even then, there still lies minimal risk.
Also, being inconspicuous is comfortable, IMO.
I don’t do group chats anymore because whatever I say gets unanswered, or replied to and buried in the conversation.
With friends we do video chat. Also seems in large group chats, there are often like 10 different parallel conversations going on and it is hard to keep track of. No one waits or treats it like an actual group discussion.
I did end up researching Pavlov after posting and whether he had any famous paradoxical discoveries. This joke was copypasta from a submission site I am afraid, lol. They are doctors, a pair of docs.
I wrote that response courtesy of this neat article I found: https://www.merriam-webster.com/wordplay/flummadiddle-bodacious-19th-century-americanisms
Some of the cats might be dead due to Shrodinger’s paradox.
They are doctors who have paradoxical theories (pair of docs) but after some research Pavlov’s theory of conditioning is not a paradox so the site I ripped this joke off of may have used the wrong doctor.
All women are gorgeous! There is no question.
And that I was lied to in school about him inventing it. I didn’t know peanut butter was so old.
Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies.
It both makes sense and doesn’t at the same time but eventually the punchline might ring a bell.
Well, that’s ‘cause you came here in the middle of the conversation all catawampus actin’ all ill-willie; if we start from the beginning, only then you can see that this response is just taradiddle. Soon, you will notice that I am using these highfalutin words to just Hornswoggle ya. Now, excuse me while I absquatulate.
I have to quick blur NSFW on here when I go in public, so as to not have awkward glaring duels with strangers such as the ones that might be behind me on the bus. But in a casual setting where I have a social opportunity I just leave the Lemmy nudes on my feed unobscured. Someone goes, wtf you lookin’’ at and I am like: I don’t dictate nor direct the feeds, they direct me lol.
When I was a teen in summer camp, the girls once spied on us in the shower. We knew but they didn’t know we knew, so we put on a show. We teased them about it more than they did that year. Lol. It’s usually the other way around in movies.
“How is modern times different than you predicted or hoped it would be?”
“What changed that you wished didn’t; what hasn’t changed that you wished did change?”
No, but I would invite the idea. If someone would be THAT interested, I would gladly show them all the fckd up shit I look up and create. If they did it w/o my consent, lol for them.
Rule 12 applies in all aspects of life; not just on the Internet.
If I ever paid for a will, I have this idea that I would want all the contents of my devices, and my search history published, and a QR code put on my gravestone. But I would imagine it wouldn’t be any more unique than most others.
Getting this joke takes joint effort.
I turned my chrome setting off, deleted cookies from the last 24 hours and went back on and can’t seem to replicate OPs results. I don’t get prompted at all. I went on another site to see if somehow it was still chrome and got a cookie consent pop up on those sites but I wanted to see what parts of the site would break this way. I can’t figure it out.
What part of the site breaks for this? It didn’t prompt me but then I remembered I have a blocker for third party cookies. No popup whatsoever for me.
Good thing he has three things to push all the buttons with…