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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I asked what I can do to protect my family from climate change.

    To protect your family from the potential impacts of climate change, you can take several actions:Educate yourself and your family: Learn about the causes and effects of climate change, as well as the steps you can take to mitigate its impacts. Share this knowledge with your family members and encourage them to be more mindful of their environmental footprint.Reduce your carbon footprint: Make an effort to reduce your family’s greenhouse gas emissions by adopting energy-efficient practices, such as using LED light bulbs, turning off electronics when not in use, and driving less.Conserve resources: Encourage your family to conserve water, recycle, and reduce waste. These actions can help to reduce your family’s overall environmental impact.Support renewable energy: Consider installing solar panels or using other renewable energy sources in your home. Additionally, support policies and initiatives that promote the development and use of renewable energy.Get involved in your community: Join or support local organizations and initiatives that focus on climate change mitigation and adaptation. This can help to create a broader movement for change and can also provide opportunities for your family to learn and take action together.Stay informed: Keep up to date with the latest news and research on climate change and its impacts. This can help you and your family to make informed decisions and stay engaged in the issue.Remember, small actions can make a big difference, and by working together as a family, you can help to protect yourselves and future generations from the effects of climate change.

    It gave a reasonable answer and didn’t discount it as a scam.

  • You’d need huge investment in high speed rail. Tokyo to Osaka is about the same distance as Chicago to Des Moines Iowa. 3hr train vs 5 hr car ride. We could do it… But the density of travel between those locations would make a project like that a very poor investment, so the government would have to pay the bill knowing it would be at a loss.

    Then you build this rail.

    That’s the easy part.

    Now I have to convince Des Moines to invest in better bus systems or trolleys to get people around in the city and the outlying residential areas. This is where these projects fall flat. Getting local municipalities to invest in public transit. Hundred people get off in Des Moines and unless someone is there waiting for them or they have their bike or left their car there. They’re stranded.

    Its not sexy. It won’t get you re elected. It won’t be done in your term.

  • What about no WFH, Hybrid or back to office and just use common sense.

    Stop treating peoplw like they can’t choose whats best for them.

    I go into the office… When I need to. It’s a pretty radical idea.

    Could be 0 days a week? Could be 5. It depends what I’m doing and who I’m working with.

    Sadly hybrid often means (2-3) days in the office. Why? Why must we bucket things? It’s stupid.