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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • I actually had my most difficult time ever setting up Linux on my 5800X3D and 3070 recently.

    PopOS wouldn’t save my resolution on reboot, and then after fixing it all of my games were running at the wrong resolution or breaking in various frustrating ways. All Linux native games too. Jumped to Fedora and every single game flickered like mad and then once I got that fixed my package manager inexplicably broke. I was about to install Ubuntu before saying fuck any chance of instability and going to Debian.

    I had to manually install way more than any of the other distros, but everything just worked once I got my graphics driver installed. I was really disappointed given I’ve been using Linux on and off for 8 years, and my Steam Deck has been nothing but solid. I’m honestly just disappointed things have trended in a bad direction, and I hope this was just a one off experience and not the norm now.

  • Aggregate data doesn’t mean no client side data. It’s possible they’re collecting aggregate level client data too. They could go further and collect data on individuals that is not identifiable or useful to law enforcement in any way. I can think of a few ways to get anonymous usage data that allows you to improve your service while protecting your users. I don’t know their scheme but they clearly don’t need overly invasive forms of analytics as they have a solid service.

  • Preface: I realize after writing this I possibly came off as one of those, “just learn to code” people. I’m not. People should only join the field if they’re passionate about or at least enjoy it otherwise they will burn out fast. With that said, I don’t think the field as a whole should be written off by those who enjoy the work, and CS degrees are as useful to software engineers as physics is to a mechanical engineer. Back to the main discussion.

    I think we just have different views on where AI is headed and what it is capable of. Neither job is going to be replaced any time soon by AI IMO, but I’m pretty certain a UPS driver will be replaced much sooner as it’s a fundamentally simpler problem to solve.

    For comparison, software engineering is critical thinking turned up to 11 with tons of ambiguity and guesswork as to what people actually want vs what they’re asking for. It’s very people and communication focused despite what stereotypes might portray, and you often have to figure out and tell people what they actually want instead of doing what they say they want. Automating software engineering would be more like automating an entire supply chain as opposed to one part of the supply chain (delivery driver) because there’s so many different types of software engineers out there. Not to mention you need software engineers to automate software engineering.

    As for pay, that $170k is the absolute top end for UPS drivers and you have to work your way up from warehouse to a delivery position. Software engineers top end is generally around $500k (you can get up to $1 mil but it’s rare enough I wouldn’t consider it fair for the point of this conversation), with starting being ~$95k for most new grads. Absolute worst case scenario you go work for the government for $70k and earn a healthy pension with dope benefits, regular raises, and amazing work life balance.

    Student loans are definitely a consideration and can be high risk, but attending a community college for your first two years before state school you can get out under $30k of debt. My total tuition cost for 5 1/2 years of college was <$20k in California. I was fortunate enough that my mom paid for my education, but I could’ve covered the cost with loans and paid them back by now. This is all ignoring that software engineering internships regularly pay in excess of $50/hr making it possible to put yourself through school while working summers just like your grandparents did.

    I agree somewhat with your concern over the uncertainty of the world, but I figure no one really knows where we’re headed so I might as well do what I love and make as much money as possible in the meantime. Neither are bad career options IMO and trades can be awesome, but it’s important to consider the long-term risks that often come from certain occupations including those sitting at a desk all day.

  • It still kind of is though? The market is ass right now but my TC last year as a new grad was $200k and I only started in April. If you grind interview prep you’re bound to get something eventually, and new grad software engineers currently pay near to low six figures.

    It’s not easy but CS bachelor’s degree to software engineer is a solid career prospect long term even if the market sucks right now. Not to mention trades destroy your body in ways that cause long term issues, and pay way less over the course of a career unless you’re doing something exceedingly risky.

  • I wasn’t blaming it on anyone. I was just explaining why so many young people, myself included, choose to not give any thought to things they can’t control. It’s not worth the mental energy and will make you depressed and miserable. I’m all for fighting for things that can be changed, but there’s only so much one person can do. Prioritizing what one can give effort to is a much better way to go about it than stressing out about everything wrong with the world.

  • Because many of us were thrust into an extremely fucked up world where caring all the time will give you anxiety and leave you feeling hopeless. It’s much more productive to focus your efforts on things you can control instead of being upset about the things you can’t. I’m very conscious of the world I leave behind. I respect nature, don’t litter, don’t own a car, limit my meat intake, and most importantly I’m not having children. All of these things will contribute to a better world, but they don’t require me to care about anything outside of my control.

    This has nothing to do with age, and everything to do with trying to be okay in an increasingly more depressing world. I just want to exist and not dread everything all the time.