If you see me somewhere please let me know. I’ve no idea where I went.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is why I joined a track-a-week music challenge this year! I’ve been dabbling for 5 years and still have no idea what I’m doing musically (no theory or anything) but I figured cranking out a finished song every week throughout 2024 would force me to get better and it’s really working!

    I mean, I’m still cranking out garbage, but now it’s higher quality garbage and I can make decisions faster, let go of ideas that aren’t working without a second thought, and learn from other people taking the challenge.

    As far as art goes, I’ve been drawing live caricatures for 15 years and I’m WAY better than even a few years ago. Definitely stick with it. Be too stubborn to give up. Keep doing the thing. Skill will develop the more you persevere.

  • It’s great being the one nobody suspects! A few people thought I might have done the baby thing but I was also “finding” babies in my work area and was decent enough faking confusion and offering up more plausible co-workers as suspects. I like your idea of getting creative with the hours sign!

    I forgot - I also did a squished spider prank. I drew a “crushed” spider in a random spot on a sheet of copy paper - two sloppy body segments and broken stick legs in the general squished spider arrangement. I used just a black felt-tipped pen and even added a tiny drop of water to the body to bleed the ink and make it look juicy. Once it dried, I slipped the paper face-down in the paper feed tray (so the print would be on the spider side) under two clean sheets of paper.

    When my supervisor printed a spreadsheet, there it was on page 3. Sadly, she didn’t have a huge reaction to that one, but I was still proud of myself.

  • You can get a bag of hundreds of tiny plastic babies on Amazon. I got a couple hundred of them and hid them everywhere in our office over the weekend when nobody was there (including in my own office).

    It’s been a couple years, people are still finding them, and nobody knows where they came from. A few people blamed one of the HR ladies and a co-worker who’s addicted to buying tchotchkes on Temu. Hopefully none of my co-workers are on Lemmy, because I hope to refresh the baby population soon.

    At my previous job I tied strings to a couple packages’ worth of Dove individual chocolates and hung them from the ceiling of a co-worker’s office when she was on holiday. She is short and loves chocolate, so they were tantalisingly out of reach. She liked how they looked and kept them there for a while, but eventually started pulling them down as she had chocolate cravings.

  • I would be interested in the Necronomicon’s chain of custody, since the first Evil Dead movie takes place in 1981!

    The FXIII franchise always played fast & loose with how Jason keeps going, but I agree the Deadite angle really works in that regard. My argument for “what took Jason so long” is exactly the murder of his mother by a camp counsellor. He was R-ing I P at the bottom of Crystal Lake but came back for vengeance when she was killed. He even had her head enshrined in (I think?) the second film. Mama’s Boy.

    That messes with the Pamela possession theory a little though. Interesting if he was agreeable to her setting up shop. Or maybe by the time one possessing soul is “killed” the other is powerful enough to come back. Like a tag team rampage.

  • I haven’t read it in a long time but I remember the lore being pretty faithful to all three franchises & cleverly executed. If Jason is a Deadite & possessed by Pamela, that would still be man (Ash) vs nature (Pamela’s vengeful spirit), though it very much leans into Jason being used as a tool, which implies that the puppet master has agency beyond a mindless force of nature.

    (Just having fun here and am happy for my hypothetical to be shot down.)