By the end of the first season they basically set the books on fire and threw them out the window
By the end of the first season they basically set the books on fire and threw them out the window
I fucking lost it. My wife had not read the books so she was like what’s wrong
Oh my God I think you just became my friend. That was great
There are no beginnings in the wheel of time, but it is a beginning
I second mint, back when I had more time to fuck with such things I distro hopped like crazy, mint is easy and it just works
Usually they say “save x amount” but neglect to say over what time period we would save it. 10 years is common but not universal. It’s more about “sticker shock” than the actual truth
Is probably say coal shivers. I kind feel like he’s ambercrombies favorite as well since he’s actually in all of them
Smartphone cameras can’t see them but other cameras can? I really hope you’re a troll, cause everything you just said is fucking ridiculous
The thing is, we’ve had that sort of capability for a long time now, we called them algorithms. Rebranding it as ai is pure marketing bullshit