[She/They] A quiet, nerdy arctic fox who never knows what to put in the Bio section.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • “I cast longsword!”

    “Does the paladin’s piss count as holy water?”

    “You described the mech as being similar to a Gundam. So it’s a mobile suit? Does that mean I’m technically wearing it on my person?”

    “Watch out for the ass-grabbing ghosts!”

    “I struggle like a dog being given a pill.”

    “No, don’t activate your telepathy! I don’t want your mind-herpes!”

    “Wait, why is a duck that lays eggs named Mr. Quackers?” “Mr. Quackers can be whatever he wants!”

    “I cast Prestidigitation and pee his pants.”

    “Hey Nyarlathotep, wanna see something funny?”

  • First, I would move into my own place so I don’t have to deal with the constant stress of conforming to the expectations of my bigoted family members. Then, for a while, I would probably do nothing. I’m burnt out and have a lifetime of shit to process and heal from. I need time to pick up all the parts of myself that the world has forced me to throw away.

    Eventually, when I’ve gotten a little better, I’ll probably start wanting to accomplish things again. Nothing so ambitious as the dreams I used to have, but they were probably unrealistic anyway. And with my basic needs covered, I would be free to do what I find important and fulfilling instead of spending all my time making line go up for some asshole billionaire.

    I’ve always wanted to write stories. I used to draw and paint, a long time ago before the depression got really bad. I’m starting to learn 3D modeling and gamedev, and it would be nice to do that just because I want to, not because I’m unable to work a regular job and am flailing for a way to pay the bills.

    Maybe I would just organize get-togethers with my friends where we play tabletop games and eat food I cooked for them using produce from a little garden I made.

    There’s no shortage of things to do if I’m free to pursue them.

  • I mostly watch anime these days so I’m reading subtitles regardless. The dialogue sounds pretty clear, though; I may not know what the words mean but I can easily make out the syllables being spoken. American stuff, though… If it was made in the past 15 years then it’s probably going to be full of mumbling and too-loud background noise. I suppose it’s possible that my friends have cheap speakers, but I remember sometimes having the same issue at the theater, back when I still went out to see movies.

    More recently, I’ve been watching old British and American shows that a friend has been streaming. Stuff from the 60’s and 90’s. Didn’t have any issues understanding what was said.

  • The medical consensus already exists. This isn’t some experimental drug; puberty blockers have been widely prescribed to children for decades. We know how they work, we know they are generally safe, and we know that blocking access to them will result in needless suffering and death.

    Here are the “huge questions” you should really be asking:

    If these drugs are so dangerous, why are people only bringing it up now and not sometime in the 40 years since they entered widespread usage?

    Why are people suddenly claiming that a drug we’ve been using for decades has “too many unknowns” and “not enough evidence” for its safety?

    If all of this controversy is really genuine, and not the result of a moral panic rooted in bigotry, then why is nobody proposing a ban on puberty blockers for cisgender children? How can they be “dangerous” and “untested” for one group of children but safe and effective for a different group of children when both groups are taking them for the same purpose (to delay puberty)?

    If you really care about the welfare of trans people, then you should support giving us the healthcare that we and our doctors say we need.