Canada and Mexico need to close their border to prevent the spread of measles.
Canada and Mexico need to close their border to prevent the spread of measles.
Well, they knew Krasnov Trump was a TV show actor/host showman who bankrupted his casinos and still voted for him.
A showman TV show actor Krasnov Trump and a S.African nazi court jester Elon… what could go wrong.
create a new coalition of G6 let US stay in G7 alone.
So he knew civilians would be killed by his actions and let it happen without any concern.
The one with the most nukes, so this will encourage more EU country to nuke up for safety and save human lives.
The cause is Elon incompetence., edit : his incompetence in ideas and scheduling pressure.
Build your own starlink type system like the rest of the world is doing.
Or just watch him bankrupt USA just like his casino, I think US need to go through that pain to realize why they should not vote for a showman, TV show host again.
Sun Tzu: “Never interrupt your opponent while he is in the middle of making a mistake.”
wow thanks for that, adjust my bad reviews.
yup, it forces everyone to raise prices, including competitors.
Market manipulation. He is also a TV show host, so he is a showman. He likes creating drama.
He is famous for bad management, causing his casinos to go bankrupt. His management style is going to bankrupt US and somehow make him richer.
Don’t forget to leave bad review of reddit app and encourage others to move to lemmy in the review.
That is what naked prehistoric apes said about technology called clothes and domestication of plants and animals and cave paintings.
probably his upbringing. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/26/elon-musk-peter-thiel-apartheid-south-africa
some may turn out ok, but many people with shitty parents turn out shitty as adults.
Economy won’t collapse. New customers, and sources can be found. US already turned into an autocratic countries under Trump.
so it is non issue.
Canada needs to stick to the tariffs until US stops smuggling drugs and guns into Canada!
Trump did it unilaterally, so no discussion anymore.
But Trump shares it with Putin.
Ukraine will help you switch it off with fireworks.