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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Couch co-op is rare these days, but I would like to see more co-op in general. I used to have game nights on Friday night with friends on discord, but we just ran out of good games to play. Limiting factor being how many people can play at the same time. Most of the co-op games we have right now seem to be designed to make you miserable. You’re gonna fail, but how long can you last? I just want to have some fun with 2-6 friends without getting discouraged. One of the best ones we played was “Golf With Your Friends”. I don’t even like golf, but we all could play, no one had to sit out, and we had a blast until it got boring.

  • Ethernet speeds historically were measured in 10/100. In my past life I worked for an a small rural isp. And part of my learning I was taught that cat5 was 8 strands of wire, or 4 twisted pairs. I got very familiar with crimping patch cables. If one strand were cut a network card would negotiate down to its lowest speed and still work at 10mbps. Operating on 4 wire or two pairs. It’s possible with those numbers you had a bad connection, or a broken strand in the cable and it auto negotiated down to 10mbps. To this day I still crimp my own cables, and I own a cheap cable tester to make sure the crimps and cables are good.

  • I’ve had very bad luck with raspberry Pi’s and SDCards. They just don’t seem to last very long. I swapped to usb storage and things got somewhat better. I just had a usb drive die after 3 to 4 years of use. When I was still using SD it seemed like multiple times a year. Heat. Power loss, you can only punch holes in silicon so many times before it wears out. Whatever the reason.

    My approach for this is configuration backup not the entire os. I think this approach is better for when it’s time to upgrade the os or migrate to a new system.

    For my basic Pi running WireGuard and DNS, I keep an archive of documentation on steps to reconfigure the system after a total loss. Static configs are backed up once, and If there are critical configuration items that change then I back those up weekly. I’ve got two systems (media related servers, not Pi’s) that I keep ansible playbooks to configure 90% of the system from scratch so it’s as hands off as it can be.

  • Synology Diskstation DS1522+ $699.00

    Synology Diskstation DS1621+ $899.99

    Some of those apps are available through the community package center. If not then you can run a docker environment or a virtual machine on the DS and run whatever you want. It’s got a lot more horsepower than a single board computer, but I still recommend separation of duties and let the NAS be a NAS. Put your services on a server or separate virtual environment.

    This is my DS16xx+ and expansion bay

  • I do the same thing. I use all as my home page so I can see new and interesting stuff.

    I tend to block most 'ism and 'ism-adjacent communities, Foreign language communities, political communities, NSFW/Fetish, and a few highly specific tech/app/language communities that mostly only post version updates.

    Bots. lots of bots. If your community is 90% bot posts/repost aggregation and I see 5-10 posts consecutively in ‘all’ because your bot just vomited up it’s entire load in a 120 second span then I’ll probably block it.

    • 8 Keywords (Voyager app feature)
    • 186 Users.
    • 964 Communities.
    • 38 Instances.

  • People today tend to fixate on the things that are out of their control. Perhaps it’s because we have lost our coping mechanisms. Perhaps it’s because they never learned any. We live in the most technologically advanced point in time we have ever known. Few of us need to go out and till the earth to grow our own food. The majority of us don’t have to physically work as hard as previous generations. Adults and our children find their enjoyment and existential dread by watching tiny screens filled with useless entertainment. Maybe things are fine. We just make shitty choices about what to do with our time, and what we give our attention to.

  • I suspect marketing bullshittery. I’ve bought “sugar in the raw” a few years ago to try, and it reminded me of back in In high school chemistry II in which I did an experiment where I took a brand name sugar and a lower budget brand sugar and examined it under a microscope. The budget brand sugars’ crystal structure was larger but hollow. Weighing the two by volume showed less mass for the budget brand. Putting the same volume of the two in a mortar and grinding with a pestle yielded less volume for the budget brand which means for the same volume you’re getting less sugar.

    I believe that “sugar in the raw” does the same thing to give you less for more price, but compounds it’s marketing by telling you it’s unprocessed and more natural. Maybe that’s true but you’re certainly getting less product for the price. One would think less processing would cost less. The only difference from the experiment was that you were paying less for less. Kind of interesting how business ethics have changed over the years.