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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • Were probably? That’s a giant understatement and you know it.

    Ai will save billions of lives and improve the living standard for everyone on the planet, it’ll be just like mobile phones where the biggest benefits come to the poorest communities - tech haters often ignore this reality, millions of children in Africa, Asia, etc were only able to get access to education through mobile infrastructure.

    The internet has given everyone access to huge amounts of education resources and it’s only increased as they technology matures - current LLMs are amazing for language learners and for people who need things like English articles explained in their own language, I just asked chatgpt to explain the code I’m working on in Tagalog and it did it without hesitation (I can’t speak for the accuracy personally but looks legit) it even translated variable names but not function calls.

    And this before we’ve scratched the surface of it’s utility, I’ll tell you one thing if you ever say to your grandkids ‘o I was against ai when it came out’ they’ll look at up like you’d look at someone who said they didn’t think math would catch on or that iron would never be as popular as bronze.

  • Yeah the amount of good ai can do for the world is staggering, even just giving a speed boost and quality improvement to open source Devs will unlock a lot of new potential.

    The problem is people in a certain age bracket often fear change because they feel they’ve put effort into learning how things work and if things change then all that effort will be worthless.

    It doesn’t really matter though, gangs of idiots literally smashed the prototype looms when they were demonstrated because despite the cost of cloth being one of the major factors in poverty at the time a handful of people took it on themselves to fight to maintain the status quo – of course we know how it turned out, the same that it always does…

    Areas that resisted technological and social growth stagnated and got displaced by those which welcomed it

  • You’re making up a lot of stuff, Xerox had a gui UI for a whole decade before apple and they certainly weren’t the only ones.

    The MP3 player they made was literally just a feature limited version of already popular devices. I got my arcos a year before the first apple device was released and it had every single feature that apple would slowly add in every new expensive version over the next decade

    Apple does hype and marketing, that’s their innovation - taking a feature restricted version of a technology and getting celebrities and media idiots to pretend it’s the best thing in the world and actively ignore or discount the many better options.

  • The capitalist mindset really is a weird one, rent seeking is out of control. We’re talking about a tool that allows independent creators and hobby users to improve the quality of their projects but all you can think about is the possibility of getting a couple of dollars in royalties.

    Regular users being able to use advanced noise reduction allows regular people to better compete with corporations, it’s the sort of technology which can help displace the monopolies which rule the world. But you’re against it because they didn’t give you 6 cents for listening to your cover version of country roads

  • I think that’s where I stopped, I might play more but I doubt it. I got to the point everything felt so muddled, I’m never really sure what’s going on because it’s hard to follow stories when they’re out of order and chunks missing plus so many side things the add to the confusion - not to mention all the random things in my inventory or boxes that I might need at some point maybe…

    Next time I open it I’d have to sort my inventory and everything which is probably an hours work before I even get to finding the next thing to do…

  • Ah I should have guessed your opinion comes from a weird type of elitist nonsence but I can play that game too if you like…

    You’re only thinking about the world you know which appears to be shitty movies and being a gamer that’s decided you’re not like the degenerate games you’re high class, ok bud but I doubt that’s how s casual observer sees it and I think you know that which is why you put on such a show to p distance yourself from what you recognise if your set. So shove your classism up your ass and grow up.

    People with actual important things going on have been using vr for years, they did fucking surgery on a grape for fuck sake! While the surgeons were extoling the wonders of VR for complex remote surgery using hyper advanced robotics what the fuck were you doing? Bitching that the console noobs don’t have the same high culture as pc gamers?

    When the USAF flies the F-35 and the pilot puts on his HMDS with the Distributed Aperture System do you think it’s because they’re trailer trash junkies looking for a distraction or maybe because billions of dollars of research went into creating the absolute best control system and it turned out that’s very clearly VR?

    And the drone operators, the architects, the astronauts at nasa who use it… They just haven’t realised it’s stupid and useless, only an enlightened pc gamer like yourself is wise enough to realise there’s no use for it.

    • well that was cathartic, hope you don’t take anything I said personally and that you have a lovely day but I felt it appropriate.

    Vr has proven to institutions that have the money and tech to use it that it’s incredibly useful, as tech improves and ecosystems get established we will see it move towards ubiquity there’s no doubt about that.

  • Ha ok, we’ll see how that prediction pans out.

    Yes the expensive and complex products available today limit the audience which in turn lowers the attractiveness of the market to creators which further inhibits uptake, the exact same thing is clearly visible in the home computer adoption curve and many similar developments.

    First adopters create an ecosystem of markets which results in a growing diversity of established use cases - many ideas fail but some prove to be very efficient and effective as part of a workflow which over going becomes the standard way of doing things.

    As there are more things for which vr becomes established it transitions from being something major creators don’t really bother with to something that they make a show of supporting - especially as the general ecosystem has become established so things like which menu style to use or how to orientate views have become easy choices. This changes vr from being niche special use to a fairly general tool that a lot of people are used to using.

    At that point we’ll see a lot of cheap consumer devices which results in a lot more development on the market, especially as natural language input through LLMs make control interfaces easier and similar generative ai make creating vr environments easier.

    Vr is going to be something that most people are used to using somewhat regularly, I don’t think it’ll replace screens but there’s a lot of things that we currently do on a screen that will just make more sense in vr

  • But this is not true, everyone has been asking for better internet speed and natural language computing. 5G was required because everyone is online all the time, yeah people aren’t hyped about it because it’s boring but if we didn’t have 5g and archaic infrastructure didn’t scale with demand then you bet people would be yelling about it - when a train goes by there’s a hundred people using mobile internet, likely none of them care about 5g but they love being able to work, chat and browse the internet on their journey.

    Ai is absurdly beneficial to people already and it’s incredibly early days, again people aren’t going to be especially hyped by most it’s uses, in fact they won’t notice most of them but it’ll help fix a lot of things that really annoy or negatively affect them.

    As someone who has spent a lot of time learning about and designing GUIs I can tell you that designing a system to give all the different user sets and types the controls they need is super complex - as someone who actually programs them I can assure you implementing whatever system is created to do this is even more painfully difficult. Now imagine not having to do that, imagine I can make a tool and the user just has to say ‘import this old file in an obscure format then do these obscure but relatively simple things…’ this is huge from a development point of view and even huger from a user point of view.

    Ever have a family member ask you for the tenth time how to find their emails? Or hand you a device you’ve never seen before and say ‘can you change the font size’ and you have to go through menus and Google how to do it? Soon it’ll be fairly standard to just tell things what you want and for them to actually understand.

    This is just one small benefit that LLMs and natural language computing bring, I could list other benefits for days

  • People love to say things like this but it’s kinda ridiculous, pretty much every new tech is hugely successful. Those battery advances that no one really believes in? You’ve probably got one of them in your hand now, you’re probably physically closer to someone using chatGPT than you are to someone reading a book - if not you almost certainly met more people today who have used gpt more recently than they’ve read from a book. Vr adoption continues to grow, automation solutions are getting installed all over the place at a rapid rate, electric cars are gaining market share, whole countries are using desalination for their water supply, everyone that’s said anything about Osiris rex has been excited about the move towards space based industry.

    The bulk of the population is loving the endless tech upgrades and eager for more, yeah not everything is good and most people are adult enough to realise that.

    (No I did not read the article, someone said it was shit and I don’t doubt them)

  • A lot of the most popular YouTube creators only post every few months and their content always gets plenty of impressions

    They have a rule about not swearing at the start of a video because of the auto play feature and various accessibility tools, having it is probably better than the result of not having it.

    I regularly get offered videos of all lengths including variations of mr skellybones that are between 8 and 15 seconds, though since shorts were added those are normally uploaded there now. Yes shorter videos earn less money and yes of course they do, why wouldn’t they? If lord of the rings was two minutes long then I I imagine the box set would be cheaper.