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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023


  • Ok I have come to realize that lemmy is literally no better than reddit when it comes to people who are so arrogant in their ignorance.

    Imposing a quantum state on remote matter is the ONLY way teleportation will work. The ‘faxing’ is exactly what large scale teleportation would consist of for every particle state that composes the entity being transported.

    You don’t literally send the same particles, you use the particles at the destination to reassemble the original.

    Previously I thought it was just reddit that had gotten worse in the last 10 years but I’ve come to understand it’s just the internet in general.

    Sure as fuck wish I could go back to the internet before smartphones so all you fuckdamn idiots would stop wasting my time.

  • Your arrogance is staggering. Is science not also a form of philosophy?

    Sure, 200 years ago when they called it ‘natural philosoply’, but the advent of the scientific method is what transitioned it away from pretty words and feelings to concrete observable, recordable data.

    If you can’t see the difference, you aren’t worth wasting electrons on.

    s not a scientific ‘fact’ that your consciousness will do anything at all,

    Oh but it is my friend and the wonderful thought experiment that is the game SOMA can make that clear to you, if you are capable of understanding it.

    Every examination of cranial and nerve damage in relation to consciousness has made it pretty clear that whatever it is that is our self-awareness is tied to the fat and nerves in our skull, and when disturbed often have drastic results on our cognition, awareness, and sense of self. These are things we have been documenting for centuries. Damage the brain, damage the consciousness. And to a lesser extent the spine but that is still fringe.

    Our consciousness isn’t anything special phenomenologically, it consists of complex interactions yes but there is no non-material aspect of it other than what we experience as our cognition, which is not an actual space but rather the results of our self-modifying chemical cascade.

    What you think of as arrogance is rather the result of spending decades both in a scholarly frame as well as for personal pleasure studying biology, physics, and psychology. I’m sorry that up until now your main conversation group has consisted of people who think communications in excess of 144 characters is mentally draining.

  • Not really.

    We exist as a contiguous, always active self-modifying chemical cascade. This is a scientific fact.

    Our sense of consciousness is what we refer to as our selves. This is pretty concrete philosophical conjecture.

    Any teleporter device that rearranges atoms breaks this contiguity. This is scientific fact.

    If a teleporter device that rearranges atoms can be invented (and I believe it can but not for a long time) to move a human, then the human that arrives on the other end of the teleport will not be the ‘you’ that looks out from your eyes now as the contiguity is broken. It will THINK it is you, will have your memories, but your current consciousness wouldn’t ‘jump’ to that newly created homunculus. It would simply cease to exist. You think this is philosophy but it is a scientific fact.

    I’m not arguing for the existence of a ‘soul’ here, just stating the simple truth that a machine that reassembles atoms into you isn’t making a you that exists now, but rather a just-born being who thinks its been living your life.

    And the you that exists now ceases to be.

    Please don’t try the ‘falling to sleep’ argument, at no point during that time does the complex bioprocess that makes up our being cease.

  • The gravity needed to even create small hypothetical spacetime bridges would spaghettify any normal matter passing through it.

    Just because quantum teleportation has “teleoprtation” in its name, doesn’t mean it’s the only possible form of it.

    It kind of does. Wormholes are not teleportation. ANY method that ‘moves’ atoms from one place to another falls under the ‘suicide booth’ category.

    if you haven’t given it proper thought yourself.

    You really have no fuckdamn idea how long I have been thinking about this exact subject.