• 1 Post
Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 24th, 2023

  • Click was SO GOOD.

    But I’m still a little mad at the betrayal by the marketing, making it seem super silly and goofy, leaving my young self unprepared for an emotional gut-punch. Lol

    It effectively did what it set out to do though, being a modern fable about where our priorities in life ultimately lead us. I think of it often, especially the way it portrays the trap of career-worship, and when I catch myself wishing time away.

    That silly movie had so much heart it might have actually shaped my young worldview a bit. Lol

    Movie was based.

  • Makes me wonder if anyone remembers me for something random like this.

    In a wild turn of events, I was going through my replies and remembered you from a future comment, for kindly encouraging me when I described my ADHD struggle with keeping my comments brief online!

    So, I guarantee I’m not the only one who remembers you for a good word. :)

  • “Look guys, their industry makes their boss abusive to them which makes them abusive to their staff, so it’s just how it is because money…”

    This is like "Well my drunk granddad had anger issues after the war so he beat my dad who beat me something fierce and I turned out fine " of the professional world.

    Some people think enough money or status is worth disrespecting other human beings who are just trying to do their already shitty enough job, and that’s concerning.

    I.T has to hit their “ticket targets” to stay on the “lights come on when they flip the switch at home” track, it’s how they make their money and what they’re paid to do.

    Playing coddling psychologist for grown adults who could pass a bar exam but can’t handle basic respect doesn’t make things any easier lol.

    To any of those types reading this:

    Stressed or not, it’s amazing how fast things move when you work with IT as teammates instead of underlings, using your level brain instead of your emotionally unstable mouth.

  • I get what you mean. When updating Linux mint, the “This needs to get some additional packages too” window, relatively benign, has a big scary ⚠️/ /!\ on it.

    Felt the need to explain to the person I was installing it for. “That’s totally normal, just look it over first and continue.”

    …like, it’s gonna do that almost every time it updates, it doesn’t need to look scary. :|

  • Nexus mods is working on a Linux client which is really exciting! Also Steam Workshop works on Linux. This covers a ton of use cases.

    Not saying everything is 100% perfection, but it’s easier than ever to switch, and only getting easier.

    I imagine “Windows locked mods” would probably also benefit from just disconnecting the internet and keeping it set up just the way one likes it, since MS is gonna drop Win10 soon.

    That’s the case with WMR VR headsets. Sadly don’t see those getting cracked to work on Linux any time soon. :(

  • Wow, I really appreciate you taking the time. I’m bookmarking this. Thanks, Dan!

    As I look to upgrade or re-factor the server a bit, I’m gonna take a closer look at Podman. Not running as root by default sounds extremely sensible!

    I tried that with a few of my Docker containers with results ranging from “Did it actually do it?” to “Nice job breaking it, hero.” Lol

    OMV has a really nice Docker GUI built in, but I’d much rather be ready to understand the open-for-all solution if I could. :)

    Hope you have a great one!

  • Meme gave me a laugh. XD

    I see people not happy with Docker as a company, and, I get that, tech co. Lol

    But I gotta admit, it’s definitely been awesome for self hosting. My home server would probably just be OpenMediaVault and a Samba share if I couldn’t just spin up compose files and had to worry about every app wanting its own database and stuff!

    Are there better alternatives for newbs who just wanna self host stuff?