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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Don’t even need that. Meta crosses multiple platforms now - Instagram, FB, WhatsApp, etc. All you need is for someone you know to have you in their contacts list, and the hit the “allow access” a single time. All of that data is then scraped, cataloged, and cross referenced with everyone else. Name, address, phone numbers, birthday, work address - anything your contact felt it convenient to add about you in their phone. From there it’s just a matter of time until data mining of second and third level contact - or outright data leaks - fill in the rest of your profile and demographic information.

  • I think it doesn’t go far enough. Straight up, no one should be permitted to create or transmit the likeness of anyone [prior to, say, 20 years following their death] without their explicit, written permission. Make the fine $1,000,000 or 10% of the offender’s net worth, whichever is greater; same penalty and corporate revocation for any corporation involved. Everyone involved from the prompt writer to the work-for-hire people should be liable for the full penalty. I can’t think of a valid, non-entertainment (parody/humor), reason for non-consensual impersonation - and using it for humor or parody is a slippery slope to propaganda weaponization. There is no baby in this tub of bathwater.

  • Based on videos from one of the major lava-themed entertainment venues who has been posting updates for two months, the “barriers” for Grindavik were barely started, with work only beginning some time after January 4th or 5th. The primary focus of the public work was in building the barriers to protect the regional power plant to the east of the fissures (and hot springs resort area just east and north the power plant). IIRC, those barriers took a month to construct.

    The subsurface dam/inclusion runs pretty much directly under Grindavik, so if an active eruption opens along the southern edge of the magma inclusion there will be no way to prevent damage to those houses adjacent.

    Disc: I’m neither a seismologist nor a volcanologist, but I’ve seen Journey to the Center of the Earth. Oh, and I was in Grindavik in October.

  • I’m not rich enough to hate Google. I have a couple of domains and several people who use them for email. I have calendars with people across device ecosystems. I don’t have the hours and hours to keep up with fighting spammers or an infinite budget to hire someone else who will guarantee my privacy to do it. What are my options? Is Microsoft or Yahoo any better?

    I’ve been with Google since they were a Do No Evil company. Now that they Do Evil, they already have terabytes of my old data in storage to mine. Adding a few more GB isn’t going to make a hill of beans difference.

    Also, I recognize nuance - Google, well Alphabet, isn’t one company. It’s a huge conglomerate of, sometimes competing, interests. That’s a distinction that often gets lost in online discussions. Whether I hate Youtube’s profit arc or not doesn’t really affect my impression of the Gsuite services I rely on.

  • If you’ve ever had a contact allow a service to read their contacts, you are in their database. That then gets cross-referenced with the (relatively few) online store providers the first time you use that address - or the obfuscated emailname.store@* version that was meant to serialize or identify spammers but which the simplest script can undo. Now your shipping/billing address, phone, and partial purchase history can be linked with every social media company that weird chick who did upside down keg hits with you that one night decided to allow contact access. Or your aunt Gertrude.

    And it’s not even that complicated. Are you in the contacts list of anyone who has ever used the internet? Google, yahoo, or microsoft definitely know who you are in their internal databases and can create a web of contacts and likely contacts just from a couple of emails. Heck, I remember when there were “contact synchronization” websites where you could transfer your contacts between gmail addresses, or to/from other mail services. It was free, so I can just about guarantee they’re selling all of your info, which has been checked and corroborated by however many of your contacts decided to use their services.

  • Marketing: We need to defend this - what’s something people are really excited about?

    Engineer: Stainless steel; you can’t make a good stainless without nickel

    Salesman: Oooh - I know! How about nickels? Everybody loves nickels and their worth 5 cents each!



    Intern: You know, they use nickel in battery packs for electric cars

    Marketing: Oh, right - everybody likes electric cars. Green and vroom-vroom, I love it!

    Engineer: You know that electric cars don’t go vroom-vroom, right?

    Marketing: I’m going with electric cars, it’s a feel-good use people will get behind.