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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I don’t resent anyone else for not being able to do what I do, because I’m aware that I can’t do stuff that others can.

    IQ is just one kind of intelligence. I have a high IQ (or had one ten years ago when I took a test, anyway), good body awareness, passable social intelligence and really, really low emotional intelligence. I suck at dealing with my feelings. So for every time somebody is complaining about some problem they have where I find the solution trivial, you can bet there’s another time when I’m complaining about some stuff I’m dealing with where they’re thinking “duh, just do this, that’s obvious”.

    I wouldn’t say I “cope” with it. I just accept it. People are different, we all have our strengths and weaknesses, and I think that being bothered by other people’s weaknesses is a huge weakness in itself. I have a bit of that weakness (I think everyone does, it’s frustrating to see people stumble over stuff that you take in stride) but when I feel that way, I just remind myself that it’s my own weakness that makes theirs bother me in the first place, so it’s my problem and my fault, and I move on.

  • That’s pretty much it. Systemd goes against the philosophy of “do one thing, and do it well” by doing a whole lot of things and being integrated to an extent that makes it pretty much impossible to use only an arbitrary subset of its components while replacing the rest with alternatives. I understand where the critics are coming from, but I honestly don’t care either way.