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Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • What a stupid take. Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people, it’s intractable from the Jewish people. Don’t be so ignorant. Next week Jews will celebrate the return to their homeland from exile in Egypt, they’ve been doing so for thousands of years.

    Your understanding of indigeneity doesn’t come close to the established academic or real world understanding of it. If the Greeks had remained in Crimea, maintained the language and culture like the Jews have done then yes they’d absolutely be considered indigenous. There are a dozen examples of these sorts of people’s across the MENA region, they’re all indigenous, not the Arab invaders who forcibly colonised the land.

  • So you’re saying that violence should win out. That’s an interesting take. Those people were forced to convert under threat of death, just like happened across the MENA region. That’s an indisputable fact with reams of history in that country backing it up. Both the Arabs and Jews kept great notes.

    Arab Jews don’t exist. That’s literally not a thing. Ask any Sephardic or Mizrahi Jew and you’ll get an earful. There are Jews who refused to convert, they’re not Arabs. The Arabization of the region doesn’t give them claim to the history of the region which is clearly being attacked right now, your comments make that abundantly clear.

    If you believe that violence is an acceptable form of wielding power as you claim above, then you would be hypocritical to take issue with the situation in Gaza today. Violence isn’t the answer IMO, no one wins that way. Seems like people want to ignore that’s how Islam spread though, but the people who live in the sole non Arab state in the region won’t ignore it and are clearly fed up with it. If violence is the chosen path, it’s very evident the Israelis are up for the task.

    Lastly, over 70% of Israelis are either Arab or from the MENA region. Your lies about them being European Jews is just yet another bigoted stereotype. You seem to be hitting all the classics here.

    It’s interesting to watch people like you attempt to spread misinformation like this. Everything you’ve lied about is very clearly captured in the historical record.

    Next you’re gonna claim DNA testing is illegal aren’t you? There’s only so many lies in the handbook LMFAO.

  • You’ve almost got it right. The Palestinian identity was developed (by the KGB if we’re being real here), as an anti-semitic response to the establishment of the state of Israel.

    This is pretty well documented too, I’m assuming you’re familiar with it. You’re just leaving it out of the story because it doesn’t fit your narrative…

    Your claims of ethnic cleansing are also not backed up by the history as plenty of Arabs remained in Israel upon its formation. Of course they were under marital law, the newly forming nation was figuring out who it’s enemies were and guess what? They were pretty much all the Arabs surrounding them. Those Arabs now serve in the IDF, sit in the Knesset and serve in the judiciary among being pretty well integrated into Israeli society. You’re completely neglecting the fact that more Jews were displaced from the surrounding Arab countries. Then Arabs were displaced within the newly formed state of Israel. Many of those were violently removed from their homes in a similar fashion to what happened within Israel. Although what happened in Iraq etc was on a much grander scale as well as being much more violent. But that’s again a different story. The UN has a pretty detailed report on that up on their website if you wanted to go take a look. This isn’t to say that Arabs weren’t displaced within the new borders of Israel. Many left voluntarily and some took up arms. There was a war happening. Unfortunately people die in wars. Going back to the twenties. The Arabs were attacking Jews then then the Hebron massacre being one of the more prominent. But there’s dozens and dozens of examples in history too.

    All of this is pretty easily summarized with the fact that the Arabs turned down multiple offers to develop their own state alongside the state of Israel going back to the 1930s. They refuse to this day to acknowledge the existence of the state of Israel. This has always been about hate not land. That hate has led to far too many dead Arabs but hopefully one day soon they will love their children more than they hate the Jews. I remain hopeful, but I also remain confident that Israel is not going anywhere and will not run out of ammunition if the Arabs continue to want to martyr their children.

  • You’re claiming one of the founders of the PLOs words are inaccurate and ahistorical? C’mon man, that’s just silly.

    Herzl used the common language of the time, that’s not debated and obviously expected. The fact of the matter is that Jews were already present, had a majority of population in numerous centers within the Land and the European refugees were a minority when the UN partitioned the land. It’s also not disputed that Israel granted citizenship to the Arabs who didn’t flee during the war in '48, and there’s millions of them living in Israel currently as a result. Is Israel expected to grant citizenship to the people who took up arms against them and refused to acknowledge their existence? You can’t seriously believe that. That’s the definition of fucking around and finding out, those people left under the promise of Israel’s destruction, it’s not Israel’s fault for not letting the Arab League uphold their promises. The Arabs were offered to partition the land, they really should have taken the offer, it was initially more generous than what was offered to the Jews. It’s been the same crying ever since.

  • Zuheir Mohsen said it best in '77, and all that followed is simply taqiyya. This has nothing to do with land, land which is clearly and obviously the homeland of the Jewish people, it’s got everything to do with bigotry and the failure of the Arab conquest.

    “The Palestinian people do not exist. There are no differences between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese… It is only for political reasons that we carefully endorse our Palestinian identity. Indeed, it is of national interest for the Arabs to encourage the existence of the Palestinians in the face of Zionism. Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identity is only for tactical reasons. The establishment of a Palestinian state is a new means to continue the struggle against Israel and for Arab unit”

  • Why would foreigners get civil rights in the country they’re attacking? America locks people in cages and separates them from their kids, they also ship them to an island off the mainland…are you trying to claim non israelis should get the same rights as Israelis?

    If so, they really should have agreed to join Israel like their cousins did in 48, those 2 million Arabs have rights. Plenty of decisions up until they’re being held for trial could avoid this. Maybe the Palestinian could start making some better ones at this point, they’ve proven to be their own worst enemy FFS.