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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2024


  • Everybody thought that Ukraine would fall within a week but it’s been able to go toe to toe with Russia for over two years. Ukraine has every right to defend itself, destroy Russian forces invading it, and join whatever organization it wants. It’s a free sovereign nation. If spending a few billion dollars means we destroy Russia’s capacity to wage war and help Ukraine defend itself, then so be it. Russia can get fucked. They’re the aggressors and they deserve what they’re getting.

  • You posting this screenshot around means you don’t understand that this is a self own on your part. Captain_Pronina is undoubtably correct. The people who believe the Uyghur genocide is happening are morally correct even if they get proven wrong in the future. This is because their stance is against genocide no matter what, which is a just stance. Tankies, on the other hand, don’t care about genocide, they care about simping for the CCP. That is why they’re participating in genocide denial now with Ukraine, Tibet, and the Uyghurs. Genocide denial, especially when it’s plausible, is immoral. So even if their denial turned out to be correct, they’re still evil morons because their initial reaction was to deny the genocide rather to stand against it or figure out the truth.

  • Actually Europe’s demographics are pretty bad too. They’re often overshadowed by China’s, but they’re still devastating in their own right. Most of Europe is already going through a demographic collapse right now, but they’re less dramatic in scale and speed than China’s. They’ll be more like Japan’s collapse, but with immigration… at least that’s the case for Western Europe. Eastern Europe (including Russia) is going through a Chinese-esque demographic collapse as we speak. Interestingly, the US has the healthiest demography out of the 3. It’s not great, but it’s still better than either Europe or China by quiet a bit. The most realistic scenario is that the US will remain the world’s leader in future, maybe to even greater degree than now. At least until other countries like India catch up.