Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
Nothing will meaningfully improve until the rich fear for their lives
We need them badly, just not enough to pay not shit wages
He’s probably has had dementia for a while, that’s where his lean and dumptruck ass come from.*6-MPRi55oBECO6mrZEQfAg.png
And I care about “how” it works and “what” data it uses because I don’t have to walk on eggshells to preserve the sanctity of an autocomplete software
You need to curb your pathetic ego and really think hard about how feeding the open internet to an ML program with a LLM slapped onto it is actually any more useful than the sum of its parts.
How about I just don’t shop there?
And where did it happen to find all those pictures of cats?
Best we can do is a feudal tech oligarchy holding a gun to the head of an already dying world.
I like how when America does it we call it AI, and when China does it it’s just an LLM!
Oh ok so training data doesn’t matter?
It can generate any requested image without ever being trained?
Or does data not matter when it makes your agument invalid?
Tell me how you moving the bar proves that AI is more intelligent than the sum of its parts?
Whine more about free shit
I’m blocking you now
Bill Gates is equally responsible for perpetuating wealth inequality
We’re already there
Most aim cheats these days use ML to avoid detection
The “reasoning” you are seeing is it finding human conversations online, and summerizing them
How are you the product if you can download, mod, and control every part of it?
Ever heard of WinRAR?
Audacity? VLC media player? Libre office? Gimp? Fruitloops? Deluge?
Literally any free open source standalone software ever made?
Just admit that you aren’t capable of approaching this subject unbiasly.
So what training data does it use?
They found data to train it that isn’t just the open internet?
It’s even crazier that Sam Altman and other ML devs said that they reached the peak of what current Machine Learning models were capable of years ago
But that doesn’t mean shit to the marketing departments
Name an internet browser that costs money