All hail Earth Emperor Musk
All hail Earth Emperor Musk
In the US, a jury can choose to ignore the facts, and they can not be punished for it.
The unbelievable part is that THEY would bother using actual flying drones to manufacture an emergency. Deepfake videos and bot armies to spread them are too easy.
Why doesnt everyone switch from Windows???
Love that 30 day warranty
Obvious troll is obvious
TIL ice boxes were often called refrigerators long before electric refrigerators were common
It is what it is
Cars put horses out of business but the economy adapted
Welcome to the club! - murica
Not at all, its slightly more convenient.
We played this song in high school marching band lol
FYI registering with a party affiliation is so you can vote in their closed primary election (where they pick candidates to run in the general election)
Anyone can register with any party, or none, and change their affiliation at will.
What good are rights if you cant use them to take away the rights of others
When you rage about being stuck in traffic, then you realize….
“Why dont windows users switch to Linux???”
You telling me these boxes are basically free for the taking?
Theyve been hanging around almost long enough for dvd nostalgia to set in.
Maybe fill up a barn and sit on them for a few more years
14 miles?
This kid was on a hardcore camping hike