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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Stovetop@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldUnofficial Reddit API
    4 days ago

    “Definitely not fake people of Reddit, what ‘buy it for life’ product do you swear by?”

    Top answer:

    "Le greetings, fellow Redditors! (The narwhal bacons, amirite???) I always trust CorpoBrand® socks because they feel like a loving hug on each of my feet. Once you try one on, you’ll never want to wear any other socks. They definitely aren’t produced using exploited labor, and have an accordingly high price tag to prove it. You’ll want to buy 20, but they’re so durable, you can take them to the grave! (Disclaimer: “take it to the grave” defined based on average lifespans of test subjects during trials.)

  • To me, the most unrealistic part of that ad is not the edge to edge displays, or the holograms emanating from them, or the overall inefficiency of it all, but rather just that you could never have a place that full of screens without ads being everywhere.

    I remember first watching that video on my first smartphone and thinking “When will they ever make a phone without bezels?” And now they pretty much have, but my experience was not some artistic interface full of aesthetically pleasing data and art. It was a YouTube video completely surrounded by ad content.

  • Amazing progress. Hopefully the rest of Asia can follow suit in short order.

    I met a number of LGBTQ+ folks in China who were wonderful, honest people, but most of them were afraid to publicly display or talk about their sexuality/gender identities due to the risk of social/legal reprisal, given the deteriorating state of policies towards LGBTQ+ rights in recent years.

    While other countries in East/Southeast Asia have begun to open up to the idea of same-sex marriage like Taiwan in 2019 and now Thailand, a lot in China see this as a symptom of growing westernization to be opposed. Logic being that if the westernized countries who we don’t like start to embrace the idea, we should reject it. And unfortunately a lot of Asia follows China’s lead in particular.

  • I suppose this scenario is actually somewhat reassuring, because the guy who killed 12 people deserves whatever misfortune falls upon him. You wouldn’t have to feel bad stealing his knowledge and memories, and could also go to the local guards to turn him in with the knowledge you’ve obtained.

    Though good luck sleeping at night with the knowledge of what it felt like to murder 12 people with your own hands and see the life fade from their eyes.