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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 2nd, 2023


  • A lot of the allegations about the accuracy of their data basically came down to arguments about the validity of statistics garnered from testing methodology…

    I mean, no, not really. They mislabelled graphs entirely, let data that was supposedly comparing components in the same benchmark, by the same testers, on the same platform pass with incredible outliers, and just incorrectly posted specs of components, and that’s nothing to say about any of the other allegations brought up at that time. It’s super basic proofreading stuff, not methodology, that they couldn’t be assed to double-check, all because of crunch.

  • Here you go.

    Long and the short of it is that they had been making tons of factual errors by just being sloppy. They were growing super fast and investing tons of money in Labs, touting how accurate and trustworthy they were while making a bunch of dumb mistakes. Oh, also being just really unaware of how it comes off having your YouTube channel employees doing construction and installation work on your McMansion while some of them were still living in their parents’ basement.

    There’s more to it than that, that video (and its follow-up) are definitely worth the watch if you have the time.

    Edit: Linus has been consistently anti-union, saying he’d feel as if he failed as a boss if his employees unionized. It comes off like ‘oh how did it get so bad that you felt this was the only option, why didn’t you just talk w/ me’, but he’s really just completely misunderstanding the purpose, function, and history of unions. He really just seems completely clueless as to his power dynamic as a boss in general.

  • What stuck out to you?

    So, the difference between air and train is immense. There’s like 3-4x more leg room, free 2x carryons, 2x checked, and 2x personal items (you could probably get away with more if you wanted). The seats are newer pleather that look nicer, though don’t feel too great, especially for long durations. Getting up and walking down the aisles and spending time in the café car is a great way to spend time, and you don’t really have to worry about leaving items at your seat.

    What was different between your expectations and experiences?

    Not much, if I had to say, I’d guess speed. It can get going pretty fast, and it’s nice to see you speeding past cars on the highway in the VA area. But also, speed… getting deprioritized against freight traffic is more than a little annoying. Was once stuck for a couple of hours because a tree had fallen across the track in a storm earlier in the day.

    What do you think most people don’t understand about AmTrak travel?

    Not having to deal with TSA makes the experience 100x better in speed and convenience. Taxes and several dozen bags included in the ticket price make it cheaper than air travel in a lot of situations. Seeing the countryside go by at grade-level is so beautiful. Interaction with other passengers and train attendants is very… touching, I guess? People in general are much, much more friendly and happy to be there than in an airplane.

    Here’s hoping that you get a chance to experience AmTrak! Even if it’s just for a couple of hours, it’s a very unique experience. I really want to do a roomette cross-country at some point, but it does get pretty expensive, and I feel that some of the charm may be lost by having a totally private space versus coach seating.