• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 22nd, 2023


  • Giving you enough context to actually answer your question without giving up TOO much private info, in order:

    Cubicle job where I make just under $20/hour (min. wage for my state is $15)

    As for family/friends, I’ve reached out a little bit, yes. But I don’t like doing it too much, regardless of how difficult my life becomes. Maybe it’s pride, maybe it’s empathy, idk. Either way, I just can’t. In short, I’ve gotten SOME help, but I won’t get much more

    As for cost of living, I live in the American Midwest and split rent in a decent apartment in a relatively-safe neighborhood with one other person (hopefully 3 total in the next couple months)

    And that’s about all I’m willing to give up online

    Edit: I copy-pasted from a very similar response, so I had to adjust it to fit YOUR questions

  • [Copy-pasting my response from a very similar question, I’ll put your specific questions in an ‘edit’ below:

    Giving you enough context to actually answer your question without giving up TOO much private info, in order:

    Cubicle job where I make just under $20/hour (min. wage for my state is $15)

    I don’t have a SET budget, but I really don’t spend that much :/ Rent is roughly half of my current paycheck (currently with 1 additional roommate but hopefully will get another in the next few months); Food is probably my biggest expense. Other than that, I have Spotify, YouTube, Xbox, and Microsoft Office accounts, but that total is about $60/month, which isn’t THAT much and, on the whole, has actually saved me money (so many ‘free’ games on Xbox it’s not even funny).

    As for debt, I’ve got an account with a credit union, phone bill, car payments, car insurance, renter’s insurance, student loans, utilities, etc, etc. For a rough estimate (again, without giving too much away), recently I ended a week with ~$35, got my (2-week/80-hour) paycheck, paid all my bills, and ended up with ~$75. So, essentially, I made $.50/hour after bills

    Edit: Location, American Midwest. Education, some years of college (a pretty good one, too) but never graduated. Age, early 30s. Aaand that’s about all I’m comfortable giving online

  • Giving you enough context to actually answer your question without giving up TOO much private info, in order:

    Cubicle job where I make just under $20/hour (min. wage for my state is $15)

    I don’t have a SET budget, but I really don’t spend that much :/ Rent is roughly half of my current paycheck (currently with 1 additional roommate but hopefully will get another in the next few months); Food is probably my biggest expense. Other than that, I have Spotify, YouTube, Xbox, and Microsoft Office accounts, but that total is about $60/month, which isn’t THAT much and, on the whole, has actually saved me money (so many ‘free’ games on Xbox it’s not even funny).

    As for debt, I’ve got an account with a credit union, phone bill, car payments, car insurance, renter’s insurance, student loans, utilities, etc, etc. For a rough estimate (again, without giving too much away), recently I ended a week with ~$35, got my (2-week/80-hour) paycheck, paid all my bills, and ended up with ~$75. So, essentially, I made $.50/hour after bills

  • Not OP, but the Cato Institute is an American Libertarian think-tank founded by one of the Koch brothers (and others). I’m NOT going to try to look up in OP’s specific claim, but they are mostly extreme anarcho-capitalists. Massively oversimplifying here, but they believe in objectively false things like “big government bad, big business good” and “society should BE the free market” and “Ayn Rand is a good author”

    Some more extreme Libertarians believe you should be able to buy/sell literally everything, i.e. guns, drugs, children’s teeth, whatever you can think of.