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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Firstly Joplin is great note taking app and if that is all you want you really should go for it. I used it for years and was really happy.

    But Obsidian is far more than just a note app. It like a Wikipedia page, you can add links within the text of your notes to another note. But they are also bi-directional, meaning you can see the incoming and outgoing links.

    Making easy to use the related notes instead of just link to it. Sometimes you did not even think this note could use that note information and it shows you can connect them.

    Not only that Dataview lets you live index and query your data. Letting me build a template and query that data dynamics.

  • They still harvesting your data. So not only do you pay for product monthly but you also pay with your data.

    This data is so important they are able to subsidize either YouTube or YouTube music.

    Legally I have no right.

    Morally I have right to pay to not be tracked. If thats the case I would pay.

    But paying a high price for one product forced to get at same time being harvesting my data?

    No thanks I will watch my YouTube free as I am already paying them with my data.

  • Android. I grew up with old phones where you chased the new trend but you always lost something or you where limited to what manufacturer’s limited idea. This one has good ring tones. this has amazing camera. This got real games. This one has music buttons. This one has apps(not really apps but back then impressive for a phone)

    Updates did not exist what you got in box was what you got. suddenly this device comes out where you could do anything.

    I could install real Linux, community supported software and made it better. This was my gateway because why should I accept to pay money when the moment I given you money you moved on and forced me to buy next stuff but forgot the great things you done?