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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Haha, I love this idea. Unfortunately with more context on the religion, it’s obvious why none of them would come to this conclusion. So there’s actually 3 tiers of Heaven (and then Hell which is called “outer darkness”). Only by knowing “the truth” and completing all your ordinances on Earth, can you get into the top tier (the “Celestial kingdom”). Without those things, you can only get into the second tier by being a good person, no higher. Everyone else gets tier 3 - which is said to be such a paradise that if we knew how great it was we’d opt out of life early to get there. But also in the lower levels we’re supposed to have eternal regret for not being worthy of better.

    So Mormons believe that by spreading the truth they’re enabling a person to achieve a higher tier afterlife. Outer Darkness isn’t really a concern because “why would anyone ever deny the one true religion and one way to have true happiness on Earth, after they’ve received it.” When I was taught these lessons, I was even told that sons of perdition were exceptionally rare because almost no one ever leaves the church. Never expected to become one myself! The internet has not been good for the Mormon church and in recent years they’ve been bleeding members and trying to rebrand.

    I guess you could say that I came to your conclusion, but in reality I just don’t believe the religion is true and see parts of it as harmful so not really… I’ll probably joke around with my siblings with your idea though

  • Crazy! I have a similar ish story. Girlfriend and I went to the bird refuge at night to smooch in the car and a truck pulls up behind us, after a minute we decide to leave and they follow. Very rural area. The truck passes and then stops in front of us, we go around and then it’s like my life became a videogame. The truck passed again and this time stops more horizontal to block both lanes, I start to go around and they pull forward, I’m able to go around their other side. I had a shitty manual that could do 0 to 60 in like 40 seconds but I felt fast. A few 90 degree turns on the road. Quite a lot happened on the chase, they nearly rear ended me when I tried to not let them pass, turned around after they passed, turned around again later. Told my girlfriend to call the police but she was crying and screaming and didn’t. And then they ran me off the road into a ditch. 2 guys get out of the truck, I get out of my camry and they’re like “who the fuck are you?!!” I yelled it back at them. They said they’re looking for some person who wasn’t me. I called them a bunch of names. They towed me out of the ditch. I never told my parents because they were Mormon and I didn’t want to get in trouble for going to the refuge with my girlfriend at night lol. It 100% doesn’t feel like it really happened

  • Live in the northern US and bike 3 miles to work. Icy right now so I have studded tires and bar kits. I wear a ski facemask and skip the glasses cause they fog. Bike light since it’s easy to work past sunset this time of year. Even when it was -30F I only wore one hoody (biking is hard work). Takes me around 15 minutes which is the same as driving. There’s bike paths 90% of my commute but I still almost get ran over at every other cross walk. Besides the danger, one of the best things I’ve ever done for my mental health. And I’m not even the road rage type. I just enjoy the ride

  • My wife and I have wondered about this idea. If we were to have kids, we’d want them to be tech savy and inventive, but hopefully not get too addicted to the internet at a young age. There’s something to be said about not buying them a computer, but letting them build one, I think. But it’s an odd line to walk.

    Definitely will say I was interested in what I couldn’t have, but I do think there are healthier ways to fuel an interest. Hope that someday my kids will just want to tinker with my stuff

  • Yeah definitely some lasting consequence. I’m a pretty good liar, and extremely skilled at manipulating people to calm down. Sometimes I wish I stood my ground better and let there be friction between me and others. Instead I sort of morph into whatever they need, sometimes abandoning my core principals. It came in handy to save my siblings’ asses a few times though. But literally just yesterday my wife was video calling her mom and showed her my brand new ear piercings (which I’ve wanted my whole life, but is a huge no no for men in Mormon circles, so it’ll be a big deal when my side of the family finds out) - anyway, I wanna stretch/gauge them because I like the look of small tunnels, so my mother in law says, “they look so nice, but you won’t gauge them, right?” And I’m like “no of course not” because I know it’s probably a bit shocking to her that I pierced them at all. But I wish I instead said something non-commital like “not now, but I love the look of small gauges”

    Overall, the biggest effect is probably the distance I feel towards my parents lol

    If your curious, I’d describe myself as quite chill, but very reserved. I wouldn’t even say I was constantly on guard… I was just a good liar. Got caught for very few things. I have a lot of siblings though (10), so I doubt I’d have had as much opportunity if I were an only child or something