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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 14th, 2023


  • That sounds like it’s exactly the point…

    Normally I’d chalk your comment up as being a little too “tinfoil hat” to warrant engaging, but half the article implies exactly that, and I don’t think the author was doing it on purpose because quite frankly, I don’t think there are any news authors left with the competence to do so.

    This is 100% some shit I’d expect to come out of the red team though… The Biden administration hasn’t struck me as being on the side of corporate interests (generally speaking… I’m not naive enough to think the Biden administration couldn’t be bought, I’m speaking to track record here…), and I don’t think this would impact tax revenue much, which is to say that there’s not much ulterior motivation for blues to trump up a bullshit problem to keep Chinese cars out of the market.

    I’m inclined to agree with your opinion, but logically it doesn’t add up, is my point :)

  • Ultimately, what I’m asking you is: why would I be opposed to a law that itself is 100% fine, just because the same legislators might later pass a different law that I don’t like?

    Ultimately because the basic premise of the law could (in general) be the basis for the government to remove our entire conversation here…

    It is potentially a tool to do this

    In 1984, the government rewrites history and uses a multitude of techniques that trick you into accepting things that are not true as being true.

    I don’t object for the sake of my my benefit, I object for the sake of yours (everyone).

    I see it a one degree increment on the proverbial frog in the proverbial pot, being slowly but surely brought to boil and it’s death, and I don’t really care who it affects in the moment.

  • White rot fungus, use very diluted bleach (like 5%, a cup of bleach in a gallon of water.) or vinegar (either might alter the wood finish though…), wrap the arm of the chair in paper towels and keep them damp with it for like 30 minutes or so to let it soak into the substrate of the mold inside the wood, and it should just come off with a brush.

    Don’t let it go everywhere when brushing it off because the more you spread the spores, the more mold you get.

    A steamer will likely make it grow more. It’ll look like it’s working but it’ll grow back worse.

  • No, were just apparently on very different wavelengths here (I’m totally fine with this personally, no animosity intended at all, I like discourse and you don’t seem like you’re being a dick about it, so we’re on friendly terms here from my perspective)

    Do you not think that government determination of what is or is not acceptable on “social media” (quotes because generalizing) is eerily similar to thoughtcrime? And an orwellian policy? Making a 1984 reference in its defense a little ironic?

    I realize I discounted the bulk of your comment and all the “logical fallacy” buzz phrases you threw in, but I generally consider that pedantry and responding to it would bring in bad vibes on my side, so I skipped it, sorry. I can engage it, but I won’t have anything to say on it worth reading, it’ll just be old guy bullshit…

  • Ok, well it was intended to be an opinion, so your assertion that I’m incorrect is incorrect because its my opinion, but that aside, which part?

    I reiterate that question because if your opinion is in direct opposition to mine, it is, in my opinion, the one I would most like to hear. I’m a moderate/centrist/libertarian(non-party) and I’d unironically and unsarcastically love to hear your opinion on it. Unless you’re just being a pedant, then I’ll listen and I respect your right to posit any pedantic objections, but I won’t really care much :)

  • content that incites violence or hate speech from social media.

    “They need to expeditiously remove content they are aware of if it is illegal.”

    If a social media platform does not comply with the new EU law it can be sanctioned with a hefty fine

    This essentially adds up to government proctorship of any “public forum” on the internet, including here… So if I randomly throw an “all lives matter” right here mid-comment, which while at face value is a ridiculously benign thing to say, can be and almost always is considered to be hate speech, lemmy is entirely obligated to immediately remove my comment or face heavy sanctions from the EU.

    It’s an extreme caricature of an example that I assume won’t go anywhere, but the point is that it could, and the deciding factor on that isn’t anyone here, the deciding factor is a bunch of rando EU officials… If some Karen in Wales in the right position decides she doesn’t like my comment, she could initiate a “hefty” fine against lemmy admins.

    It’s an absurd concept, and I don’t say that in the context of tuker Carlson (who I simply don’t give two shits about in any context), I say that in the context of us, as a “social media” community. We are subject to this proctorship, this censorship…

  • I’d expect more acquittals tbh. It was, at the outset, a legal and constitutionally protected protest. I’m still not entirely on board with calling it an insurrection, a coup, etc. but it definitely devolved into a non-peaceful event, and I’m pretty ambivalent when it comes to the prosecutions due to that. They fucked around, they should find out. You don’t wander off with the speaker of the house’s podium and not have the full focus of government come down on your ass.

    I would 100% expect acquittals for anyone who stayed outside though, as a hypothetical condition that might warrant acquittal… That for me would be a solid indicator that their intent was limited to peaceful protest. Could very well be that there were only two people who did so.

    I’d also like to read an article on the acquittals, but I find their presence to be encouraging, and I’m assuming you don’t feel that way.

    On the left side of the fence though, the presence of acquittals, even so few, lends a great deal of credibility to the cases… Does it not? Wasn’t a kangaroo court if it wasn’t 100%, right? I think so anyway :)