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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • This is almost 20 years ago today, so my memory is a bit hazy, but basically each student had an account with a certain amount of server space. I can’t remember the size, but given the amount of digital files we produced it would’ve been at minimum 500GB+/student. We could also “see” the account folder for everyone else in our class for file sharing and stuff.

    There were also accounts/folders for each teacher which were used to turn in the primary copy of whatever assignment we had done if it was in digital form. Physical art were scanned or photographed also, as a sort of backup. We were also required to back every project up via USB sticks, ofc.

    There was also a rack with individual docks for each digital camera that they had which allowed us to get our photographs transferred to our own folders. Since we could access those files from our accounts it also was a part of that server system.

    There were also several networked and customised Macs used for single tasks, like larger printing projects and also for an airgapped paintgun for a lack of a better description. We avoided having to wear masks when we printed large sheets in single colours with it, for example. I have no idea what software that thing used, I think I used it like once or twice.

    Now, I’ll freely admit that I haven’t touched a Mac since I left that school, and I’ve never had any interest in them whatsoever, so I don’t know what they used or if it even exists anymore. Someone with more knowhow maybe does?

    I do remember them specifically (proudly) telling us it all ran on Macs, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have any reason to believe so. The “server room” was basically what looked like a glorified closet with a rack and a couple of Macs that didn’t look like the ones we students used. This was just before the all-in-one models were introduced, iirc.

  • Depending on what your definition of “enterprise” is, I’ve attended what was at the time a fairly large and prestigious art school that ran everything on Macs.

    They even preferred that we didn’t bring windows laptops, although after some… rather intense protests by pretty much anyone under 25 we did get to bring our own peripherals.

    Edit: I’ll also add that outside the shitty keyboards and mice, the server system they had set up with our accounts on etc was completely fine.

    Never had a single issue with it and it was my first ever touching a Mac.

  • My pleasure. The great thing about The Guardian especially, besides the fact that they do try to cover the negative sides as well, is that they tend to separate ongoing events into their own pages. You can bookmark only Ukraine and check what has happened recently easily.

    Granted, these days it’s mostly whatever bombings Russia has done during the night sprinkled with whatever counter attacks Ukraine manages, but still. In my opinion they’ve been quite quick with the updates when something major has happened. They covered Prigozhin’s road trip to Moscow last year very well, almost minute to minute.

  • That’s true, I’m sorry.

    There were some twitter accounts worth following, but after what happened over there I don’t know if any of them are still active. Likewise there were some subs in Reddit that had decent amounts of factual posts, but I don’t know about them anymore either.

    Other than that, what’s wrong with piecing together news from the most reliable sources? The Guardian has excellent coverage of the war. Anything that goes on for this long will obviously suffer from some story-fatigue but they’re at least more trustworthy than anything from Russia.

    It’s called fog of war for a reason though, you’re never going to get 100% unbiased and correct information about ongoing battles, for opsec reasons if nothing else.

  • The only relevant answer is that nobody knows for sure. Ukraine is doing their very best but they’re fighting not only Russia but also the combined effort of all the fuckwits that support Russia materially, i.e. China, Iran and North Korea etc. it’s not exactly an easy position to be in, even if their tech is of lower quality than what we have in the west they’re also able to churn out a lot more, and that shows.

    On the other hand, it’s pretty telling that Russia is resorting to what amounts to long range terror bombing in between human wave attacks. They used up a lot of manpower last summer, and it can’t be easy to replace those losses. They do have access to a lot more human resources, but again, of dubious quality.

    Russia is certainty hoping for another 4 years of the orange fuckwit in the White House though. That’s where the real danger is. If that happens all bets are off.