• 1 Post
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • The last time a president was assassinated it was Kennedy in 1963. Reagan was shot as well. Two different people tried to assassinate Ford.

    It’s actually a wonder that nobody has taken a shot at Trump up til now. It is only jokes. It adds levity to the situation. The fact that someone was able to get this close to a former president with the protection of the secret service with a weapon of any kind, let alone fire multiple shots is absurd.

    The idea that it will lead to open war in the streets? I don’t think so.

    There were always going to be isolated incidences of violence in regards to this election. Given the way the insurrection has been handled (what I would consider to be one of the most dangerous things to happen to American Democracy in the last century), this is just the kind of thing to fire up his base but it doesn’t endear fence sitters to him. They’re fence sitters for a reason. And it certainly isn’t the type of thing to prevent democratic voters from voting.

    So your worry here is what? The same danger he has always posed as a Demagogue before this shooting is the one he poses as of now in the present. If you’re worried about people using this to incite more violence, that was going to happen regardless of whether he got shot at.

    People cope with current events that have the potential to impact their lives in different ways. Blind panic and condemnation of people who would otherwise be your allies is a choice though.

  • Neither are gamers. They aren’t a monolith either. This article smacks of the "millennials kill billion dollar industry " nonsense. There’s definitely mitigating factors on both sides as far as the expectations during such transactions. When I pay for something that is promised to be complete I have an expectation in my mind that it will be completed. If it’s an early access beta, I spent the money to support that product and developer.

    However a lot of developers big and small have engendered this reaction because they fall victim to the hype train. They market the game. People are interested. People’s interest begins to wain because the game is taking too long (cyber punk), or the company doesn’t want to lose the hype wave so they release even though the game isn’t finished (no mans sky, and cyber punk honestly), and this is what we get. On the other hand, we see the backlash that happens when games get canceled by larger studios. And we see smaller studios constantly miss their launch windows or expected release dates with little to no contact with the fan base or the public (Team Cherry/silksong).

    It doesn’t matter if you’re an indie developer or a triple A studio, what most gamers want is a complete game at launch, or (in the case of an alpha/beta release) updates.

    A vocal minority is being shitty here and the article is acting as if gamers are just getting together to hold developers big and small’s feet to the coals or something.

  • For one thing, half the active users don’t want the platform to grow and retain more users. That’s not going to work. We need new users to keep the flow of content and discussions. People will inevitably leave, die, post and consume less and less as their lives change etc. If we don’t get new users we won’t be around long term.

    The other problem though is that the lack of an algorithm turns off a lot of people who can’t find anything. Lemmy isn’t easily searchable, content is hard to find again if you don’t interact with it the first time you see it by commenting saving etc. the search function isn’t refined enough to allow you to find things quickly across instances or even just in one instance. Add to that that you don’t get a whole curated feed based on the things you do interact with, and the lack of one to one communities to equivalent subreddits and you’ve got a major problem.

    Niche communities won’t show up here unless they have a community behind them and a community needs people.

    Plus the toxic minority here is very loud just because there’s not that many users in comparison to literally most other mainstream social media.

  • What if you changed that statement to all conservatives instead of all Americans? Because not all conservatives support Trump or voted for him in 2016. But he is now representative of them.

    Like. Hamas wouldn’t exist without the actions of Israel. And that is exactly why so many Palestinians have thrown their support behind Hamas. But that doesn’t mean Palestinians, Hamas, or even conservative Americans are a monolith.

    The point is rather that the group is being labeled in such a way to discredit efforts to give Palestinians the human rights everyone should have. It’s the same thing that happened with the Black Community in the US and the black Panthers. This has been a thing for centuries with just about every grass roots or guerilla militia in existence. At some point if you buck the ruling classes power, you become a target and the propaganda follows.

  • I curate my feed. However because of the lack of an algorithm I don’t get suggestions. This means that I (and likely others) scroll through the everything feed repeatedly.

    But I’ll do you one better. Lemmy doesn’t prevent users under the age of 18 from joining so long as they are 13 or older (just like other platforms). There’s a reason that most if not all websites curate for NSFW content, and it’s to make what the public can view with or without an account safe for children who are likely visiting those sites. That’s the reason Facebook won’t let you post half nude photos publicly. It’s the reason Reddit has NSFW tags. You’re preaching to the choir as far as users curating their content. NSFW tagging is literally a tool to use to curate the content you see. If your argument is that posters have no responsibility for what content they post that’s just logically wrong. No laws work that way. It’s literally why platforms aren’t being held liable for the misinformation spread by their users. I’m not complaining about random anime lewds. I’m pointing out that they are not safe for work. So they should be labeled as such since that is the status quo for not safe for work content. In the same way that a lot of content related to the war in Ukraine and the conflict in Palestine are labeled that way.

    If you’re gonna be stuck on what the user should be doing rather than treating all of these items the same as far as what they are then you’re gonna have a bad time because I’m not entertaining that. I curate my feed and I don’t scroll the Everything feed at work, but that doesn’t mean I think other users shouldn’t be able to.

  • Then nothing here on Lemmy should have an NSFW tag at all. But you know that doesn’t work. Because you can have a feed that’s completely fine and then scroll randomly and find a bunch of porn posts back to back. If you are posting content to a platform you are responsible for that content and what it shows. That’s literally why we have any tags.

    This is like arguing that because it’s legal to show graphic content of war or similar on the news it should be allowed with no warning on any website. There’s underaged people everywhere on the internet. Sites that have graphic content as the main content censor accordingly. Why is Lemmy any different?